Mixed messages about the dating scan

thread: Mixed messages about the dating scan

  1. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    Mixed messages about the dating scan

    Hi guys, we just found out we're about 5 weeks pregnant. Woohoo! Being our first we're trying to learn as much as possible about what and what not to do.

    Our antenatal doctor has refered me to the hospital for a "dating" scan around my 6week periond. I undestand its to see if its a viable pregnancy and to confirm how far along i am. What else is it for?

    The hospital i called said that dating scans dont usually happen that early so they booked me in at 13 weeks....

    Bit confused about who i should be listening to....
  2. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    I would ring them back and tell them to book you in at about 7 weeks. I had a scan done at 6 weeks, 5 days to check if it was viable(which it was) the 13 week scan is the NT scan which is normally routine so maybe they misunderstood you? Maybe talk to your doctor again.
  3. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    I had a dating scan done at about 8 weeks from memory. We weren't sure if my last period was just breakthrough bleeding or the real thing so the Dr wanted to check how far along I was so I didn't miss the right time for the 13 week scan. There was someone from this site (can't actually remember who LOL) who obviously didn't have a dating scan and when they went for their 12 week scan found out they were actually 16 weeks! I guess that's the reasoning behind the dating scan - especially if you don't know the date of conception! I would ring back up as they have obviously misunderstood. Hope this helps.
  4. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    If you want to get an early scan done I would try and wait until 7 weeks at least. Maybe ring them up and say you would prefer to have a scan earlier than 13 weeks. Usually an early scan is done for the purpose of checking dates and seeing if the pg will be a viable one.
  5. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    Hi Luua,

    My GP sent me for a dating scan at 5 weeks 4 days, it was also to make sure it wasnt an Ectopic pregnancy as i was on the pill. You couldnt really see much, was just a black sack with some white specks in it.. no heartbeat as yet as it was still too early. But thats all it was for.. to check dates and Ectopic. Though i did my scan through a clinic, not the hospital. Theyre easy to book into, you just need a doctor's referral. I didnt book into the hospital until about 8 weeks or so, but in my first appointment (at 14 weeks) letter, it tells you to bring a copy of any ultrasounds or blood test, so im sure it would be ok if you were to go else where and have a scan, then have one with the hospital at 13 weeks? Either that or give them a call back and ask for one earlier?
  6. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    I've got my first ultrasound at around 12 weeks, well..they told me I'll be 12 weeks then...I never was good at maths, and add pregnancy to that and well...I just nod and smile at my midwives

    But since this is my first pregnancy, it doesn't feel real!! I have dreams of going to have my ultrasound and the operator going 'um..I don't know how to tell you this...but you've just coincidentally put on weight and felt sick!'

    My husband assures me (with a very patient look on his face) that I must be pregnant...what is he trying to say I wonder..?
  7. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    Dating scans are done BEFORE 10 weeks not after. Ring them back and tell them no your Dr said 7 weeks and you want to be booked in for then, no ifs no buts. Its to check the viability of the embryo (heartbeat, proper positioning, gestational age).
    I had one at 4 weeks, 5 weeks and 5 weeks 6 days when we saw the heartbeat. I had had a previous m/c and hadnt gotten my period back which is why I had so many.

    LISTEN TO YOUR DR NOT SOME U/S TECH, they arent Doctors!
  8. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    Thanks guys.

    I called back and re-booked for the scan. That was last week.

    We saw the heartbeat and we were dated at 7 weeks.

    Woo hoo!
  9. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    Going by your LMP is more accurate than a scan - they have quite a bit room for error, 7-10 days either way I think it is... so if your LMP says you are only 6 weeks for example and your scan 7 weeks, you always say the lesser of the two then you have less pressure for induction
    Kelly xx

    Creator of BellyBelly.com.au, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  10. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    Tulip like Kelly said there is a margin of error from 7-10 days for scans. But everything has a margin of error too.

    When I was PG with Matilda, but my LMP I was due 30th May, my first scan put it at 1st June and my 2nd put it at 3 June. I was induced on the 16th and she was born on the 17th.

    Sometimes a scan can be taken during a growth spurt as well, which is why they say the earlier the scan the more accurate.
  11. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    Healthy babies grow at the same rate during the first 12 weeks that is why dating is done during that period. After 12 weeks different babies can grow at different rates. The earliest scan is usually the most accurate.
  12. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    I would take the 8th of July, then you will be less anxious and your Ob wont be jumping up and down for an induction if you are a few days over. Trust me, going by the furthest away date is best. If baby comes early it is a nice surprise!
    Kelly xx

    Creator of BellyBelly.com.au, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  13. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    Me too! This time around I am not giving myself an EDD, I just say late October/early November and honestly I'm not entirely sure of the date of my LMP so I am happy to not have a date put on, just so people don't get too anxious when October hits
  14. Mixed messages about the dating scan


    Ooooh I reckon the 30th Christy, that's Elijah's birthday
    Kelly xx

    Creator of BellyBelly.com.au, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team