Welcome to the 3 Years to 5 Years thread for September/October 2005!
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3 Years to 5 Years List - September/October '05
Forum Name:
Baby's DOB:
Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl
Baby Name(s):
Baby's Website:
Health Concerns:
Attending Kinder / Pre-School?:
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Forum Name: MistyFying
State: Q
Baby's DOB: 26 March 2001
Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl Girl
Baby Name(s): Gabrielle Elita
Baby's Website:
Health Concerns: speech/language delay
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Forum Name: Suzie
State: TAS
Baby's DOB:25th July 2001
Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl - Girl
Baby Name(s): Emily Rose
Baby's Website:
Health Concerns: underweight for her age and a very bad eater
Attending Kinder / Pre-School?: Attends daycare 3 days a week and one half day of prekinder....Will start kindergarten next year
Notes: Em was 6 weeks early,was only 5p5 at birth and dropped to 4p 13 by the time i left hospital,is only 12 kgs at 4 yrs old now....
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Forum Name: Dee
State: VIC
Baby's DOB: 19 October 2001
Gender of Baby: Girl
Baby Name(s): Ashlea Skye
Baby's Website:
Health Concerns:
Attending Kinder / Pre-School?: Yes, 3 year old kinder
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Forum Name: Astrolady
State: South Australia
Baby's DOB: 27th October 2001
Gender of Baby Boy
Baby's Name Kameron Andrew
Baby's Website: http://www.theastroweb.com/kameron
Health Concerns: None
Attending Kinder / Pre-School?: Preschool Twice a Week. Kindy once a week from August 19, 2005
Notes: Born 15 days early
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Forum Name: Cailin
State: Vic
Baby's DOB: 23 November, 2001
Gender of Baby: Girl
Baby Name(s): Paris Antoinette
Baby's Website: http://groups.msn.com/pariswebsite
Health Concerns: Eczema
Notes: Born 3 days overdue via Emerg C/S - Weighing 9lb 11oz - Measuring 55 cm
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Forum Name: Barbie-up
State: Vic
Baby's DOB: 3rd December, 2001
Gender of Baby: Girl
Baby Name(s): Caitlin Jane
Baby's Website: mother not computer literate
Playgroup/Kindy pre kinder/3yr old kinder once a week
Health Concerns: none
Notes: induced 13 days over
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Forum Name: nadia
State: VIC
Baby's DOB: 6th Jan 2002
Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl - Girl
Baby Name(s): Nyah Ashley
Baby's Website: nope
Health Concerns: none
Notes: At 3 yr old pre-school
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Forum Name: Mouse_9_2001
State: S.A
Baby's DOB: 28th Janurary 2002
Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl Boy
Baby Name(s): Joshua Thomas
Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/j/joshuapollard/
Health Concerns: has Asthma and Excema
Attending Kinder / Pre-School?: starts kindy later this year, I think
Notes: born 3 days before due date at 7lbs 15oz
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Forum Name: KelliD
State: WA
Baby's DOB: 18 March 2002
Gender of Baby: Girl
Baby Name(s): Cairenn Jayne
Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/babies/d/dawsonkids
Health Concerns: eczema
Notes: 2w early (induced pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes)
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Forum Name: lulusmum25
State: ACT
Baby's DOB: 4th May 2002
Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl - Girl
Baby Name(s): Olivia
Baby's Website:
Health Concerns:
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Forum Name: Sheree
State: WA
Baby's DOB: 25 May 2002
Gender of Baby: Girl
Baby Name(s): Nicola Jade
Baby's Website:
Health Concerns: none, she's great Big Smile
Notes: Still not toilet trained, goes to daycare 2 days a week to get ready for kindy.
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Forum Name: Kirsty
State: VIC
Baby's DOB: 21st August 2002
Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl - Boy
Baby Name(s): James William
Baby's Website:
Health Concerns: nil
Notes: James was born @ 32wks due to PROM, weighed 3lb13oz or 1738gms.
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