3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05

thread: 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05

  1. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05

    Welcome to the 3 Years to 5 Years thread for September/October 2005!

    To have any of your details included in this thread, please reply to this post and a moderator will add you to the list.

    Please Note Your name will be removed if you have not posted in these threads for over 2 months

    3 Years to 5 Years List - September/October '05

    Forum Name:
    Baby's DOB:
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl
    Baby Name(s):
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns:
    Attending Kinder / Pre-School?:
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Forum Name: MistyFying
    State: Q
    Baby's DOB: 26 March 2001
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl Girl
    Baby Name(s): Gabrielle Elita
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns: speech/language delay
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Suzie
    State: TAS
    Baby's DOB:25th July 2001
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl - Girl
    Baby Name(s): Emily Rose
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns: underweight for her age and a very bad eater
    Attending Kinder / Pre-School?: Attends daycare 3 days a week and one half day of prekinder....Will start kindergarten next year
    Notes: Em was 6 weeks early,was only 5p5 at birth and dropped to 4p 13 by the time i left hospital,is only 12 kgs at 4 yrs old now....
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Dee
    State: VIC
    Baby's DOB: 19 October 2001
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Ashlea Skye
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns:
    Attending Kinder / Pre-School?: Yes, 3 year old kinder
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Astrolady
    State: South Australia
    Baby's DOB: 27th October 2001
    Gender of Baby Boy
    Baby's Name Kameron Andrew
    Baby's Website: http://www.theastroweb.com/kameron
    Health Concerns: None
    Attending Kinder / Pre-School?: Preschool Twice a Week. Kindy once a week from August 19, 2005
    Notes: Born 15 days early
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Cailin
    State: Vic
    Baby's DOB: 23 November, 2001
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Paris Antoinette
    Baby's Website: http://groups.msn.com/pariswebsite
    Health Concerns: Eczema
    Notes: Born 3 days overdue via Emerg C/S - Weighing 9lb 11oz - Measuring 55 cm
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Barbie-up
    State: Vic
    Baby's DOB: 3rd December, 2001
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Caitlin Jane
    Baby's Website: mother not computer literate
    Playgroup/Kindy pre kinder/3yr old kinder once a week
    Health Concerns: none
    Notes: induced 13 days over
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: nadia
    State: VIC
    Baby's DOB: 6th Jan 2002
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl - Girl
    Baby Name(s): Nyah Ashley
    Baby's Website: nope
    Health Concerns: none
    Notes: At 3 yr old pre-school
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Mouse_9_2001
    State: S.A
    Baby's DOB: 28th Janurary 2002
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl Boy
    Baby Name(s): Joshua Thomas
    Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/j/joshuapollard/
    Health Concerns: has Asthma and Excema
    Attending Kinder / Pre-School?: starts kindy later this year, I think
    Notes: born 3 days before due date at 7lbs 15oz
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: KelliD
    State: WA
    Baby's DOB: 18 March 2002
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Cairenn Jayne
    Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/babies/d/dawsonkids
    Health Concerns: eczema
    Notes: 2w early (induced pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes)
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: lulusmum25
    State: ACT
    Baby's DOB: 4th May 2002
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl - Girl
    Baby Name(s): Olivia
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns:
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Sheree
    State: WA
    Baby's DOB: 25 May 2002
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Nicola Jade
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns: none, she's great Big Smile
    Notes: Still not toilet trained, goes to daycare 2 days a week to get ready for kindy.
    __________________________________________________ ____________

    Forum Name: Kirsty
    State: VIC
    Baby's DOB: 21st August 2002
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl - Boy
    Baby Name(s): James William
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns: nil
    Notes: James was born @ 32wks due to PROM, weighed 3lb13oz or 1738gms.
    __________________________________________________ ___________
  2. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Can I join?:

    Forum Name: Sheree
    State: WA
    Baby's DOB: 25 May 2005
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Nicola Jade
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns: none, she's great
    Notes: Still not toilet trained, goes to daycare 2 days a week to get ready for kindy.
  3. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Hi Sheree

    you have Nicola's b/date as 2005 which if is the case means you should be posting in 3mth-6mth forum lol. Anyway I hope all is going relatively well for you.

    We handed out invitations to Kameron's 4th birthday last week (2mths early) but everyones calendars seem to be filling up fast, so wanted to get in early. We have to go to the Kindergarten information session in just over 2 weeks so that will be upon us before we know it, and then my little boy will be off to Kindy He will love it though.

    Anyway best go and get some other stuff done around the house

  4. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    whoops 2002
  5. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Hi guys, I've done up a post of Baby Birthdays HERE, so if you guys want to add your bubs to them just reply
  6. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Hi - I have a friend, who, about a year ago would say that she would yell at her son (also nearly four, but nearly three at the time) every day and she was sick of telling him to do things over and over - I just sat there and thought how lucky I was that I didn't do that ...

    .... one year on, I'm eating my words (or thoughts) .... what do you do when all you hear all day is -

    * no, i dont want to get dressed.
    * no, i dont want to eat my tea.
    * no, i dont want to put shoes on.
    * no, i dont want to pick up ... anything ...
    * no, i dont want to go to bed ..

    And the running off whenever you go out anywhere. I took Cait to the movies on tuesday and i know its hard for a three year old to line up, even for a few minutes, but she's off to the other side of the foyer in a second - I call out her name, she looks around and keeps on running.

    I know I'm pregnant and tired - but what do you do to deal with this ? Do I need to back off a bit, relax a bit ? I got so used to her doing as she was told.

    ANd how can I have another child, when I can't keep track of one ?

  7. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Well tomorrow is our big day. Kameron goes to his information session at pre-entry to kindy. We go along as well. He was given a kids backpack yesterday in readiness from a friend. He has been saying, Lachlan to playgroup and Kameron to Kindy. So all very exciting.

    Barb - Can't help you out with kids running off, I have been lucky with the fact that Kameron has never even tried to do it.

  8. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Barb I brought something out of Target to keep Kimberley close to me as she used to run off all the time now she stays with me without it on. I know Big W and K-Mart sell them as well. It's with all the saftey stuff.
  9. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Can I join too???

    Forum Name: Kirsty
    State: VIC
    Baby's DOB: 21st August 2002
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl - Boy
    Baby Name(s): James William
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns: nil
    Notes: James was born @ 32wks due to PROM, weighed 3lb13oz or 1738gms.
  10. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    More the Merrier Kirsty. This place is pretty dead at the moment LOL

  11. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Im here too!!
    Forum Name: Suzie
    State: TAS
    Baby's DOB:25th July 2001
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl - Girl
    Baby Name(s): Emily Rose
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns: underweight for her age and a very bad eater
    Attending Kinder / Pre-School?: Attends daycare 3 days a week and one half day of prekinder....Will start kindergarten next year
    Notes: Em was 6 weeks early,was only 5p5 at birth and dropped to 4p 13 by the time i left hospital,is only 12 kgs at 4 yrs old now....
  12. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Ooh I didn't know this thread existed!

    Forum Name: froofy
    State: NSW
    Baby's DOB: 28/9/2000
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Harmony Iris
    Baby's Website: http://ourlilfamily.blogspot.com/ (This site is for her and the new bub)
    Health Concerns:
    Attending Kinder / Pre-School?: No, we homeschool
    Notes: She's more precious than life itself!
  13. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Hi ladies - it's good to see some activity in this thread!

    It's a beautiful day up here on the Sunshine Coast, so I'm taking the kids down to the beach in a moment. Hopefully they'll wear themselves out and have a rest after lunch 8-[

    Froofy - how did you decide on the name Harmony for your daughter? Is it a family name or did you find it in a name book? (I think it's lovely, by the way, and was just wondering what made you give the name to her).
  14. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Woohoo girls great to have you all with us !!!! Lets see if we can get this thread cranking

  15. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Hey Froofy

    I didn't add your details as Harmony is over 5 already, but it doesn't mean you can't chat to us

  16. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Christine Glad it is a nice day up there,it is a good one here too...
    Emily is home today she doesnt have daycare or prekinder,and she is currently playing with Dominic....
    I think she is going to stay at nans this weekend and she always looks forwards to that....
    She dressed herself this morning again,i cant believe how much my little girl is growing up and that she will be at school next year!!!
    Hope everyone is well.
  17. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Someone mentioned that precious NO word earlier, we don't have no but we are getting loads of "what for?" Even when you give him an explanation the next thing he says is "what for?" totally drives us nuts at times, but certainly wouldn't change it for the world.

    Suzie ~ like Emily, James has just decided (sometimes) that he can dress himself, usually when we are in a hurry to go somewhere & are already running late. Gotta love that independent streak that they suddenly develop. My little boofa was only 3lb13oz (1738gm) born but now at 3yrs weighs about 16kgs, would never believe he was ever so tiny!! Is she a picky eater about everything? That would make it hard for you, getting them to eat sometimes is a battle enough without them refusing stuff. Hope she picks up a little in her eating for you soon.

    Huge hi's to all the other toddler mums & look forward to getting to know you better soon.
  18. 3 Years - 5 Years, Sept to Nov '05


    Hi Girls

    We are plodding along slowly here. I haven't really been with it this weekend. I have too much other stuff going around in my head.

    we still have 1 more week of school holidays to go (god the last week has dragged!!!) and then Kameron will be starting his pre-entry to kindy 1 day a week.

    Kameron is also a picky eater, he used to love his food too. He wont touch any vegies anymore so I make sure he has plenty of fruit through the day. He will only eat his meat off a night. Little bugga. Oh well.
