Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4

thread: Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4

  1. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    Meg - must have been the night for it cause Jacob had a bit of a shocker last night too, although it was more in the evening than overnight. Hope you can get a nap in today hun.
    Ali - Good on you for starting a blog. It will help keep you motivated and accountable (something I struggle with!). WW is good, some days I'm better than others and the weather atm is making exercise difficult but so far (since 1st May) I've lost 4.3kg (by my scales at home) and some of my pre-preg clothes are fitting again I've put all mat clothes but my preg jeans away finally. Will weigh in tonight at the meeting if I make it out of the house! It's at 5:30-6:30pm, the worst possible time for a new mum to get out of the house! Oh, we had poo-splosions out of disposables too when we were changing over to cloth!
    OP - I just received some AIOs in the mail actually and tried one on J last night. He didn't leak but there wasn't any poo either. Still, it's promising because a lot of his leaks are just wee. I've also pre-washed my BBH wool covers the required 5 or 6 times now and they've been good the last couple of nappy changes too. It is trial and error. Thanks for the tip on where to buy tots bots. I've heard of Cotton Bottom.
    mhami - 4 days OMG I can't imagine what that would be like when it finally comes out! I've been told it's normal to go a week to 10 days if breastfed. We've had containment issues since Jacob starting going 2-3 nappy changes without a poo! I shudder to think what the outcome would be if he went more than a day! Good luck with that change when it happens.
    Shell - sending you a big darl. Em sounds like hard work atm. One piece of advice I've been given which I thought was great (but can't follow myself) is to stop thinking about how much sleep you're getting/not getting. So stop adding up the hours and doing the maths. Just sleep when you can for as long as you can and don't watch the clock. No matter how much sleep we get right now, it's never going to be enough. I think this would be awesome if I could actually do it I am still tending to work out how much I'm getting but trying hard not to.
    AJP - Slow down darl!! Sleep more. If you can't sleep with Sophie, rest at least.

    Hi to everyone else!! Anyone seen Det round recently? She hasn't posted in a while and her last posts indicated extreme sleep deprivation. Hopefully she's just way to busy to get on here.

    AFM - J's feeding like crazy atm. 10 feeds on Monday and then this was yesterdays effort: 2am; 7am; 10:30am; 12:30pm; 3pm; 5pm; 7pm; 8pm; 9pm; 10pm; 12am !! He woke again at 1:45am and I put the dummy in to buy some time to go to the loo and wash my hands etc and he had fallen asleep when I got back. I lay down and he didn't wake again until 3:45am so not too bad. We've never fed hourly before but nothing else would settle him.
  2. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    hey kaz- still here- still sleep deprived lol
    been reading but havent had the chance to write- levi has decided that bed time is anywhere between 9.30pm and midnite- and then i have to start my work! So been going to bed at least at 2am every nite and up again at 7 for the twins to get ready for school!
    all going good here - had 3 nites where Levi has slept through but last nite- well lets just say - another growth spurt??
    ah well

    Boof has been growing heaps- just when you thought his cheeks couldnt get chubbier- they do!!! He is soo vocal now as well.
    Went to Queenscliff for the weekend with the fam- with money i inherited from my nan- was really nice to be altogether as a family with no paperwork to do- but had to work our butts off before we went and were so tired when we got there lol
    Levi still hates the car- so we had to stop a few times for him to compose himself!
    and of course for feeds- mind you it was only a two hour car trip- poor starving boy!
    grr- he wants another feed so off again- mind you he had one an hour ago
    ITS A PHASE!!!!
    mwah to all
  3. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    det sounds like your burningh that short candle at both ends too!!
    hope levi starts going the bed earlier soon!!

    kaz let me know if you want to borrow some covers!

    i meet up some good BB friends today! was lovely, went to a playcentre and the kids ran around like made and we got to have coffee!!

    meg wow that was a bad night

    op those covers sound great!

    BBS need to read back a page..
  4. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    Hi girls,

    Just thought I'd let you all know I might not be posting for a bit. A good friend of mine and dp's passed away suddenly on Monday night. He was one of dp's best friends. I've never ever seen dp cry before. L has been really unsettled as usual so I'm a bit overwhelmed and on my own atm, as dp is not really able to help much.

    Anyway, just thought I'd let you all know. Hope you're all well

  5. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    oh no holly you've had a rough couple of weeks. thinking of you and dp
  6. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    So sorry to hear of your DP's friends death Holly. That is really sad. Look after yourselves
  7. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    Holly, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Take care of yourself and DP.

    I've still got a cold and now DD1 has hurt her ankle. It has swollen up and I can't get her to the Dr until tomorrow I'm am just crossing my fingers that Miss J doesn't get this cold as she is a little bit snuffly.
  8. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    nai we have the snuffles here too, DH has a cold, i have a sore throat,DD1 is coughing and millie has a watery eye and is sneezing
  9. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    well i could be in for an interesting night sophie went to bed with a temp and most unhappy and millie still sneezing! she just woke but i think has gone back to sleep, hope i get some sleep tonight..oh and DH has been snoring with his cold yay...
  10. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    Hi girls, sorry for selfish post. Not feeling the best. DD had had a bit of an up and down day and we have been trapped inside with all of this rain. Last night she was so miserable for about between 1 and 2pm screaming at me, Nothing would comfort her, Tried boob, dummmy, bouncing, patting. Ended up holding her really tight with dummy in her mouth but she wouldnt let me put her down (even next to me). She then slept 6 hours.

    Today same with this screaming and hitting me when she is on the boob. Maybe its wind? I dont know. Felt a bit overwhemled as she normally is happy. She is has been asleep for the last 4 hours in her bouncer though. I am starting to notice some patterns with sleep now (but not in the day).

    To top it off, I think my AF is on its way. Here I am thinking that I will be one of those lucky ones that doesnt get it back for 12months

    Feel blah....

    Sorry for the me post. Will be back tomorrow hopefully in a better mood
  11. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    Holly - sorry to hear your going through a rough patch My sympathies for your loss.

    Ali - hang in there sweetie, it is just a phase

    det - LOL at Levi wanted so many stops on a 2hr trip. I can't really laugh coz Alex would want a feed before I put him in the car seat, when I took him out, when I took him out of the pram (to go back in the car seat) and when I got him home and each of the feeds would take 30-40 minutes so it took forever to go anywhere!

    Nai -


    Ahh heck everyone

    I'm not saying anything because Mr A is doing ok at the moment. Ohh I'm still waiting for the pram I put on laybe in January.. Although for the past month they keep telling me its coming next week - LOL!! I'm going to put a nappy launcher on the front of the car and go and pound their shop with dirty nappies!!
  12. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    Nai and AJP - Hop eyou girls got some sleep last night and that your households are feeling better this morning!
    Ali - Sorry you had a rough day darl. I know how you feel with the screaming and hitting you during feeds Hope A has a better day today and that AF nicks off for another 10 months!!
    Tarkine - Good to hear that A is doing well. WTF on your pram?? How could it take so long? Did you order the gold plated model? LOL at flying dirty nappies! I'd pay to see that

    AFM - We're off to our first parents group this morning!! Of course, J slept in til 8am too so I'd better go or I'll be running late!! How do you avoid getting bubs wet in this weather? It is truly evil out there and I'm not sure how to get him in and out of the car and pram without him getting a face full of wind and rain
  13. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    Well, I had a reasonable sleep (Miss J slept well but I woke up coughing all night) but I am still feeling crook. DD1 is much better and her ankle doesn't hurt anymore so I got to cancel her Dr. appointment which I'm glad about. I can sit around in my pj's and not do anything.

    Kaz, does your capsule have a hood? Mine has one that I can pull right down over Miss J's face to stop her getting wet. Otherwise put a wrap over his head while transferring?

    Tarkine - WTF with your pram?? I would be doing more than launching dirty nappies at them. I would tell them that one of their staff needs to be with you 24hrs a day to carry him around for you whenever you want to go somewhere!! Surely they could have at least lent you a pram until yours came in? That is just ridiculous - I mean A is 3 months old FFS!

    Ali - I hope it's not AF But if it is then it can chenage the taste of your milk and often babies don't like that. So if it is AF that might be why Ash is cranky - she doesn't like the flavour change.

    Jols - I hope you are doinmg ok today and the family is on the mend.

    Mhami - you are pretty close to Clifton Hill -have you seen any panic around the swine flu stuff?
  14. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    hey girls
    another quickie and selfish post for me- levi snoozing on my lap !
    Levi had his circumcision today- so glad that is done!!!
    he had it done under GA and they also gave him a chordal epi as well
    he woke up crying but not in pain and no tears- he was hungry!! LOL
    as soon as i put him on BB he was fine and was then smiling at everybody
    he isnt in any pain- just a bit out of sorts due to the drugs they give them i think- he is sleeping heaps as well.

    just keeping it quiet today but DH just gone off to pick up the twins from school - so there goes that!!!!
    bit tired as been up today since 4.30am and went to bed at 2am. his last feed had to be finished by 5am and we had to be there by 7am - ah well hopefully get some zzzz tonite!

  15. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    Hi girls, Sorry this is a me, me, me post - oh and a bit of Ashlyn

    Well I am not sure what is going on with AF. It seems to not be here anymore? Having a couple of cramps. I am so confused. Okay TMI but I thought she was coming yesterday as I had a bit of oldish looking blood when I wiped after the loo but now nothing! I better not be UTD again! Anyway I am happy for AF to stay away but not for the reason that I am pregnant!

    Well Ashlyn slept pretty well last night. Still doing this crying and hitting me at feeds. It seems to be after the first 4 minutes the frustration starts. I have been changing her to the other side when this happens and she is okay for another 4minutes before the hitting and crying starts and then I stick the dummy in. I still have heaps of milk. Just another thing I am so confused about!

    Had my oldest friend come round today. Havent seen her since my baby shower. It really put me in a good mood. Been friends since we were 7 through club netball then we went to high school together. SHe is one of those friends where you can not see them for months and then you just pick up right where you left off from. None of this 'you havent called me crapola'.

    We have also had the termite men here today since 7am! And they are coming again on Monday. They have been drilling and been walking in the roof and under the house. The dogs have been going nuts! Hopefully it will get rid of all the termites.

    BBL for personals. At home alone again tonight as DP is at work again. Cant wait for the weekend to have him around again. I love rainy day cuddles!
  16. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    Det - Hope you get some more sleep tonight darl!
    Nai - I'm sorry you're still feeling crook. Hopefully J will give you a few more better nights of sleep so you can fight it off! Glad that Gs ankle is better.
    Ali - How confusing about your AF. I hope it's just some random thing and doesn't mean you're UTD and doesn't mean AF is back. Evil witch!! With the screaming and hitting - Jacob has been doing the same thing for weeks. He does it worse in the afternoon/evenings - I think when my supply is lowest for the day and/or he is most tired. I have also been told that it could be due to my milk flow rate - so it's flowing too slowly for him I think. He is always good for the first 5-7 mins on either side too and then gets fussy and frustrated. There is nothing you can do about your flow unfortunately. Maybe now A is getting bigger and more efficient at drinking, she is draining you faster and then the flow slows down and she gets frustrated? Ahh, I don't really know darl, except that you're not alone. I also have to put the dummy in during or after feeds to calm him down as he seems to want to suck but not drink sometimes. I've kind of come to accept that this is just how Jacob feeds and I may never work it out. Hopefully for A it's just a stage and she goes back to her happy self soon or like Nai suggested it has to do with flavour changes because your AF is mucking around and she'll get used to it soon. Whoohoo on catching up with old friends though. Always good.

    AFM - the parents group went ok except I was a bit late because Jacob wee'd through his nappy right after I put it on I also got teary when talking about my birth experience which was a bit of a shock because I thought I had dealt with it enough to discuss it in general terms but obviously not! Feel a bit embarrassed to have been upset in front of total strangers because I'm normally a pretty private, self protective person. On a brighter note, Jacob loved looking at all the other bubbas and he even fed well! He's been asleep now for 2 hours Unheard of in the afternoon (he was awake all morning though).
  17. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    Kaz- thanks for the advice. You are doing so well on your weightloss. It must have been hard for you teling everyone about your birth experience and more
    Det- All that paperwork sounds exhausting! Glad you got a break from it. Glad DS got through his circumsision ok today. Is he really drowsy now after the anaesthetic?
    Tarkine- I cant believe you havent got your pram yet!!! I'd be asking for a discount or a voucher for the stall as they have mucked you around so much!
    Jols & Nai- get better soon girls. It is hard once it goes round the family.
    Holly- Sorry to hear about the passing of yours and DP's friend
    Heaven- Hope the christening goes well. Is it this weekend?
    Shell- how are you?

    to everyone else
  18. Babies Born~February 16th-28th 2009 #4


    Nai - get better soon. No signs of swine flu panic round here though it does make you a bit wary. DH and I actually went for lunch in a Clifton Hill cafe today and took bubs. So obviously we're not too paranoid!

    AB- Posy was doing the same thing to me some weeks back. I rang the ABA hotline for advice and the told me pretty much the same thing as Kaz - lower milk supply/slower let down in the arvo and evening. They advised an afternoon nap to help promote milk production (hormones are released when you sleep), but as you all know that's easier said than done! Also, babies get progressively tired through the day even though they have naps. So they get frustrated more easily. Maybe go see a GP regarding the blood, etc. or call the maternal and child health line. I'm not sure what to expect when AF returns.

    HollyM - take care love.

    Posy woke during the night for a feed for the first time in a month. Doh! She seems incredibly hungry at the moment. Big growth spurt coming up maybe.

    Have a good weekend everyone.