Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1

thread: Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1

  1. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1

    Dear all,

    As the previous post is getting quite long, I thought I would start a regular general chatter thread for you all to keep updated with each other's progress. Enjoy!
    Last edited by BellyBelly; July 25th, 2007 at 09:42 PM.
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  2. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Hi All and welcome to those new to this thread!

    I have found the help and support from the girls on the thread invaluable through both my pregnancies.

    Feel free to ask any questions and tell us any stories you might have !

    look forward to talking to you all soon

  3. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Hi all: here is my post from previous thread....

    thought you might have room for another. Have already had some great ideas from Jo and checked out some recipes.

    I've been diagnosed with GD for three weeks now(first time ever) and am finishing up on my first week of insulin (novomix). My BSLs are still all over the place. My diet isn't as good as it should be because when I eat carbs (breads and cereals) I vomit them back up. I'm at a bit of a loss with this but I guess I will work it out.

    Anyway, hope to get to know some of you and have some support (and be some too)
  4. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    OMG I am so dumb, I only just realised we have been moved.

    Welcome to the pack Tiff and don't worry i have been doing this since I was 14w and still have periods where my bsl is totally haywire. The insulin is fun but it really is for the best.
  5. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Hi girls,

    Just a quick stop by.

    I was diagnosed with GD at 7 weeks which made my doctor sit up and take notice. An ultrasound revealed I am carrying fraternal (nonidentical) twins so my story is a little more extreme than my first case of GD with Declan!

    Got sick last week and my BGLs went beserk I had no idea how much a cold effects you when you have GD!

    I am now 17 weeks and inject 5 times a day 3 x actrapid before meals and 2 x protophane at night and morning.

    I have had my dosages increased slightly as it appears that as this TWIN pregnancy progresses my insulin resistance gets worse.

    Otherwise i have lost a little weight and all my docs... GP, specialist, midwife, and physician and happy with the progress.

    I think the worst part is as I get more preggers and tireder I have started to forget testing times. I think soon I will have to set an alarm to ***** my finger by!
    I dont forget the insulin .. just 2 hrs after and even sometimes before ??
    Wierd - i will blame the pregnancy and the toddler for my muddlheadedness!

    Take care and I look forward to hearing from you all again soon

  6. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Hi ladies

    I've just received the news that I have GD

    I don't even know what to ask - my head is spinning.

    I'm not as worried about my diet as I am about what effects this can have on bubs and delivery.

    I'm sure I'll be back with lots of questions.
  7. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1



    Hey Angel_Eyes
    I was diagnosed GD at 31 weeks. The usual GTT test was done at 28 weeks however the hospital forgot to ring me up and let me know until 31 weeks. The same as you my head was spinning, I was so confused about what GD was all about. No one seemed to want to take the time to completely explain everything to me. The hospital was more interested in just telling me what they thought I needed to know! (Public)

    I suggest that you really try to stick to the low GI diet really watch your carb intake as that can sky rocket your BSL. Try not to stress out about it too much. As I was told now that the Dr's know that you are GD they know what to look for when your baby is born, so they should be completely prepared for whatever out come. My Lilli was born naturally with no assistance or drugs she went to the special care nursery after her first BF where her BSL was taken. She was a little low which made her sleepy. I just had to make sure she had a good feed every 2 hours until 3 of her BSL were over 3.
    Llli is fine now, 51/2 months and absolutely beautiful.
    Best Wishes
  8. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Hi guys,

    I have my fingers crossed I won't be joining you in here, but am popping in from time to time anyway. I had high insulin levels (but not diabetes) before getting pregnant, so I have a high risk of GD and my endocrinologist is watching me very carefully.

    I juat had a two hour GTT so I will see what results I get in a week or so when I see my endo again. In the meantime I am continuing to eat low GI and exercise like I was before PG. Also, I am still taking metformin until at least 12 weeks in my endo's instructions.

    Just thought I would say hi!

  9. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    GD - now on insulin

    I was diagnosed a few weeks ago and since my blood sugar levels have been all over the place. I take insulin before lunch and tea. I am 29 weeks with my little girl and all I can say is that I am glad that this will go away after the birth. Taking the insulin is not so bad, but all the finger *****ing is a bit much, although I am getting very good at it, it gives me a new appreciation of women who are diabetic (not just GD). Anticipation of the sugar levels and then disappointment of a bad result can be tiring too. There is a 50% chance of developing Diabetes if you have GD.
    I had an emergency ceasarian for my last birth so I had already chosen to go for a planned ceasarian this time which gives me about 8 weeks to go and I do not have to worry if my baby will be larger than usual as I have already made the choice.
    The positive factor is that my diet has improved immeasurably, all low GI foods and I notice that I take time to think about what goes in my mouth now whereas before I was much more relaxed about the whole nutrition thing.
    I have a great diabetes educator. She encourages me to call her after hours if I have a problem and is just so committed. She said that she was not paid extra to take these calls.
    I have my ob appointment this afternoon and my two things I will be doing will be getting a date for the birth and negotiating with her to allow my partner to cut the cord. I had to change hospitals as the bubby will need to be admitted to ensure her sugar levels are ok and she doesnt have a hypo.
    Wish me luck
  10. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Hi all,

    I may be joining this thread. I had a BGT 9.1 yesturday and have a 2 hr test fasting to do on Tuesday. How I will cope with not eating till 10.30 I am not sure as I start to gag and dryreach if I have not eaten by 9.30. I am assuming I am able to drink water.

    Question What is a GI diet? What does GI stand for?

  11. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Hi Rose

    GI = Glycemic Index.

    A GI diet is a diet of foods that slowly release there sugars over a period of time.

    Just do a google on Glycemic Index. I'm sure that you will find loads of info.
  12. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    The Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

    The Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGGT) made me feel really sick and I had to lie down (or I would have fallen down). My blood pressure dropped to 70/40 and I was nauseated and vomiting. I did not expect such a reaction from just doing a test. So from my experience just having the test was quite horrific.
    After 2 hours my Blood Sugar was 10.4 which is too high. It is meant to be 7.0 and under.
    There are lots of books around which explain how to eat low GI foods, and the internet is great. But even still I have gone on insulin as diet alone has not made much difference.
    I am on 2 units at lunch and 8 at tea. But my sugar levels are still a bit unpredictable, I am just happy that I only have 8 weeks to go.
  13. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Got my ogtt test reading back today. #1 was 4.3 #2 was 5.0 and #3 was 5.4 so I am in the clear for gd. I am so happy. Thanks girls for your help and support.
  14. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Has anyone had to go into the maternity ward to be monitored for a day due to their GD??

    Ive only been taking my BSL's for about 3 days and they are mostly average 7.... my ketones are up to +++ (does this make sense? cant remember the actual number as i just have to write down the +'s)

    Anyway, was told today that i need to go in for tomorrow and they will decide what to do with me... is this normal? they didnt mention that this was a posibility when we looked at all the options etc....
  15. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Hi Emma

    I cant understand why they want you to go into hospital for the day.

    Your BSL is a little high but OK. The ketones can indicate a few things but usually mean that you have been vomiting a lot or you are not eating much.
  16. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Hi Emma,

    I have had much higher readisn than that and have never had to go into the hospitla for reading. My ketones have been consistently high but it has always been put down to the fact I have had m/s throughout and much sickness with it.

    The best advice I can give (actually comes from my OB) is ask them, if you don't like or undersand their answer, ask again and keep asking until it makes sence. Don't stress about saying "I don't understand what you are saying, please explain it differently" or as a final straw "I need to make an informed decision and right now I can't because you are not making sense"
  17. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Hi there emma,
    Unfortunately they did this too me with my first pregnancy,and i was at about the same gestation. Although i had a little more information than that. But i got the same wording-while we decide what to do with you!! But i was told to bring some clothes as well. i didnt just have gd though;also had polyhydramnios,cholestasis of pregnancy and on that day the bp did a 150/100. So i spent the next 6 weeks resting b4 induction..
  18. Gestational Diabetes General Chatter #1


    Thanks for the info everyone..

    Well it turns out i was not just there for the day, i was there for 3 nights!! just got home now. My readings were all between 3.3 and 7.8. Ive started on the insulin and once we got the amount right, it has helped to keep it more normal..... even the midwives were asking me why i was going on on the saturday!!! As if I knew!! All i know is that the Dr had ordered it.

    If it hadnt been for the diabetes educator, i think i would still be there now!!

    I was more sick in hospital than i was out!! I felt horrid and i wasnt managing to get in all the foods that i need to eat to follow my diet so that didnt help with the ketones. Also, one day i started vomiting for god knows what reason.

    Upside is that its mostly undercontrol, and i got to see baby again, she is measuring about 32.5 weeks and about 2kg. They told me ill be having her at 38 weeks....