Solar Panels

thread: Solar Panels

  1. Solar Panels


    Solar Panels

    I have been receiving quite a few flyers in the mail lately about having solar panels installed. We mainly run off gas here but the thought of reducing at least 1 bill very much appeals to me! I am yet to do research but thought I would start here and see what you all know about them and if they are worth the $$?!

    Any info will be very much appreciated!!


  2. Solar Panels


    Were also looking at this as well and had a quote from National Solar a few weeks ago but to get a zero bill it will still cost us approx $9K over 2 years??!?!
    Mind you in the long term a zero bill would be great
  3. Solar Panels


    My parents got 12 panels in at Easter time, can't tell you what the KW output is but I could find out. They have had one bill through the autumn/winter season so far and one due at the end of this month. Given that the bill they received is for the part of the year where the days are much shorter and the amount of sun is less their bill was about half the normal amount. They usually pay around $600 so this bill was around $300. Hopefully during summer it will be less again.