2 types of tests.....

thread: 2 types of tests.....

  1. 2 types of tests.....


    2 types of tests.....

    HI, i have had 2 BFP's with 1st esponce
    and 1 x with confim

    i have just used a cystal clea type, and the cystal clea is ALOT lighta then the 1st esponce. but is a second line on the cystal clea
    Do you think this is an issue? does it mean that its declining? is it just testing anotha qty?

    i am a bit panicked
    Last edited by Mummatotwo!; December 27th, 2007 at 07:38 PM.
  2. 2 types of tests.....


    Try not to worry. I am not a hpt expert but maybe the crystal clear is not as sensitive. You still had a positive on it so that's a great sign. Maybe get a bt done to put your mind at ease. I'm sure everything is perfect. Congratulations
  3. 2 types of tests.....


    Don't stress. 4 BFP's on 3 different brands means pregnant (my gyno told me this so it must be true). Congratulations.
  4. 2 types of tests.....


    thanks!!! i just ova think all the time.... gets me in hot wata!