Raw egg white

thread: Raw egg white

  1. Raw egg white


    Raw egg white

    I have just found out that my sister-in-law uses raw egg white in one of her signature dishes which I (unknowingly) ate when I was about 24 weeks...

    I know there is not much that can be done now, but would I have had any symptoms of listeria?

    It is playing on the back of my mind..

  2. Raw egg white


    What sort of dish is that? I know if it's meringue and it's cooked then it's ok. You would definately know if you had listeria, you'd be really sick! I am sure you are fine...
  3. Raw egg white


    How long ago was it? Were you feeling ill at the time? Was it definitely raw? Some dishes like carbonara use raw egg, but it does end up cooked even though it's not specifically cooked on the stove IYKWIM.
  4. Raw egg white


    Unfortunately it is definitely raw... she uses it for icing (cakes etc).. It was about a month ago and I don't remember being too sick (like food poisioning) but I remember thinking that perhaps I was getting a cold but it didn't eventuate IYKWIM..
  5. Raw egg white


    ooh does that mean I can eat Cabonara? I hope so let me know!

    I had Tiramusu the other day and I didnt know it was raw either I was told the sickness will hit up to 48hours if not try not to worry, also think its worse in first Tri not last Tri.
  6. Raw egg white


    I'm pretty sure you and the bubs will be fine.What Suga said is just about on the nut.
  7. Raw egg white


    You'd definitely know it if you had been affected by it. I wouldn't worry! Bit of a scare though!