Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1

thread: Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1

  1. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1

    This thread is for parents who's baby was born December 16th-31st 2010

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    There are many issues that you will encounter as a new parent. We have put together this list of useful articles and threads in order to assist you with some common questions or issues you may have, and to provide you with bit of extra support that we all need as new parents:

    Feeding Support:

    Breastfeeding General Chatter
    Breastfeeding FAQ's
    Is My Baby Hungry?
    Bottlefeeding FAQ's and Useful Information
    Is Feeding Your Baby Taking Too Much Time?
    Bottlefeeding General Chatter
    Feeding Your Baby
    Lactose Intolerance
    Starting Solids/Homemade Baby Food
    Starting Solids - When Is My Baby Ready?
    Starting Solids General Chatter

    Please contact the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) or a Lactation Consultant if you are concerned that you may have breastfeeding and/or supply problems, and before the introduction of solids.

    Sleeping Support:

    Comforted Sleeping & Sleep Issues Forum
    Comforting Tools to Aid Restful Sleep
    Babies & Sleep
    Controlled Crying/Comforting/Sleep Training
    The Con of Controlled Crying
    The Crying Game
    15 Ways To Help Your Baby Sleep

    Other Useful Information & Recommended Reading:

    Baby Massage
    Cuddle Me Mum
    Infant-led Feeding & Weaning
    Baby Wearing
    Recommended Reading List

    Got questions?

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    Breastfeeding, Bottlefeeding and Solids
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  2. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1



    Is it just me in here? Where is everyone?

    OK fair enough, all busy with babies. I'm cheating though and posting from hospital
  3. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Oh Kirsten you are still all alone in here I wish I could join you but my lil monster is stubbornly hanging in there hopefully not too much longer and I can sneak in. Hope lil Miss Ivy is doing well
  4. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Me me!!! I'm here to Kirsten Just found the thread, a bit slow coz I never get to surf properly at the hospital as always get interrupted to feed or be fed or some MW taking my temp or BP. Now we're just waiting for the others to join in.... only one last day....
  5. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    I miss you ladies been so busy, don't have alot of time to hang out on BB. I hope once we've all had our bubbas we can be in the same baby buddies group! Good luck to all you mummies waiting for your bubbas to arrive xox
  6. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Yay, now I'm not feeling so lonely

    Shelly: I love the way you snuck in here to say hi COME ON MONSTER, come out and play with your new little friends. Ivy wants to say Hi!

    Caixin: Ha ha, lots of interruptions for you huh? Now you can lounge about at home while your guests do everything and you can chat on BB, apart from all the feeding, nappy changing, Claire cuddles and eating massive amounts of confinement food. How is the confinement food by the way?

    Babyluv: Yay I think we should all hang out in this baby buddies group.

    AFM: first day home today - I didn't want to leave the hospital today. We have had lots of visitors - too many actually, I was getting all stressed by the time the afternoon visitors left and Ivy had lots of wind pain so she was crying and they were all talking loudly and trying to hold her, DS was all hyped up from having so many people here (one lot of visitors came with 2 little kids) etc etc. Anyway she's now sound asleep next to me on the couch looking so adorable and sweet I just love her so much!
  7. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Yay, now I'm not feeling so lonely

    Shelly: I love the way you snuck in here to say hi COME ON MONSTER, come out and play with your new little friends. Ivy wants to say Hi!

    Caixin: Ha ha, lots of interruptions for you huh? Now you can lounge about at home while your guests do everything and you can chat on BB, apart from all the feeding, nappy changing, Claire cuddles and eating massive amounts of confinement food. How is the confinement food by the way?

    Babyluv: Yay I think we should all hang out in this baby buddies group.

    AFM: first day home today - I didn't want to leave the hospital today. We have had lots of visitors - too many actually, I was getting all stressed by the time the afternoon visitors left and Ivy had lots of wind pain so she was crying and they were all talking loudly and trying to hold her, DS was all hyped up from having so many people here (one lot of visitors came with 2 little kids) etc etc. Anyway she's now sound asleep next to me on the couch looking so adorable and sweet I just love her so much!
  8. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Kirsten: Confinement food is quite yummy. Nothing really special but just lots of ginger and sesame oil everyday. I also get rice vermicelli noodle soup every morning by mum with lots of veges and some pork and an egg. Can't have enough of mum's noodle soup. MIL also made vinegar pig trotters (not sure if you'll like it though :P) and it was yummy. I also get special chicken soup everyday with different herbs for each week, not sure I like some of them coz they can be a little bit too black and bitter. Did you have any visitors in hospital? We had most of our visitors come in hospital coz they had set visiting hours and they could only stay for one hour each time :P

    Come on ladies, we need more noise in here... it's getting way to boring with just me and Kirsten.

    I've just been having some BF problems in the last day. She was feeding so well up till now when she started to become really fussy at the breast, shaking her head all over the place and crying her lungs out when she can't attach. Not sure what's up with her or me... hoping my MCN can help when she comes on Tues for a visit. I really much prefer to feed from the breast rather than have to express and bottle feed. Esp in the middle of the night, so much easier with BF.
  9. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Kirsten: How was your day today? I hope you get a bit of a break from the visitors, I found the same thing, ppl visited non stop in hospy & with that plus all the obs checks, mw visits LC visits etc you have no time to get to know your bub. Now you're home I really hope you get some time just for you and your family
  10. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Caixin: I've had quite a few BF issues, I've found establishing BF the biggest challenge so far. My little girl has had issues with attachment and screaming before feeding etc. Only last night I had a good cry because she was hungry and crying but kept pulling herself off every 2 seconds. I've had feeds where it has taken me 15 mins to get her on the boob because she cries, waves her hands in her face, pushes off me with her legs etc.
    I've found it's harder if she gets to the point she wakes crying because of hunger so I try get her to feed before she gets to that point & I wrap her to feed so her hands don't get in the way.
    I'll be interested to see what the LC says.Sometimes I think my bub forgets what she needs to do hehe.
    Hang in there Hun you're doing an awesome job
  11. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Sneaking in to say hi!! And no matter what date I have peanut I will be joining this baby buddies group!!! At least some of us can be together!!

    Me renee shelly and kaylee left! And not much promising action.

    Miss you girls and caixin n babyluv: I really hope your little princesses start attaching properly!!! BF is a hard journey and i really hope it picks up for you guys!!!!
  12. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    MrsBexie: this isn't my group but think I'll be making it mine, I want to stay with you girls
  13. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Babyluv: I'm glad I'm not the only one having problems. She was doing so well in the first few days and even the MW said she loves her food like mummy. So she must have forgotten how to attach! If that's possible. She's also been crying when she can't attach and also using her hands to scratch at my boobs so they are now bearing lots of tiny scars from her sharp fingernails. When I try to feed her early when she just starts to show signs of mouthing and turning her head, she falls asleep almost immediately on attaching then doesn't drink well. If I wait till she's more awake then she gets crying and gets frustrated easily. Are you going to get a LC too? I too had a little cry this morning coz it's can all be a little too overwhelming. Hang in there, hopefully it's all only temporary for us.

    Mrs Bexie: You've gotta join us in here definitely!! Come on peanut, out you come.
  14. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Hun I know ppl say to strip them down to feed but I find it easier to swaddle, because she's such a fussy feeder and fights and screams, if she is swaddled her hands can't get in the way. Sienna is wearing little socks permanently on her hands because she was scratching me & herself so much, mittens are too big. I bought emery boards & baby nail clippers today to attempt to fix up her sharp nails. I have a LC who I had in hospital, her name is Chris Brown, she's lovely & really helpful, things BF wise are improving every day for us so for now I'm just trying to take it a day at a time. But I need to call her because Sienna is feeding sometimes for over an hr & then within 10 mins wants to feed again. Not sure If you've heard of cluster feeding but she did it from 9pm-4am the other day, feeding almost non stop with max maybe an hr break in there, it was exhausting. My LC does home visits and I'm considering asking her to come out. We seem to have 1 good day & then 1 bad day in a row. Are you going to get a LC?
  15. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Babyluv: visitors have eased off, which is nice. Bugger to BF issues. I found breastfeeding to be so hard with DS. It took me about 6 weeks to get it right and I did a clinic at the hospital to finally help sort it out. So far Ivy has been feeding really well, I just have some cracking nipple issues so it hurts me so much I want to jump through the roof, but she is doing well, so we'll get there, I know I just need to get through the pain should be a couple of weeks and I'll be ok.

    Caixin: I'd get an LC out, or call the ABA, they are amazing and you don't have to be a member for them to help you out. They are available any time on the phone. Is it possible Claire has wind? That can make them really fussy? Keep trying and trying, breastfeeding is wonderful and there is so much help available out there.

    Had some photos taken of Ivy today - have seen a preview of 2 of them and they are so gorgeous. I wish I could get a new set of nipples and a new back. My back is so sore from BFing and having no abdominal muscles left
  16. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Hey girls...
    Just a quick one to say I am pretty sure I am in labour!! Got the heat pack on and setting up tens now!

    Pray it goes quickly and smoothly cause god damn this freaking hurts!!!! It is the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life! The worst period pain!! And I'm only 5-6 mins apart!!! It's going to get worse. Yay!

    Omg I hope this is really it!!!! I hopefully will be holding my little girl in the morning! Thank god I had a 2 hr nap this arvo!
  17. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Hi mums!
    We've had a terrible last 24 hrs with BF. Claire is still not wanting to attach at all on the left side and would attach at times on the right for a meagre 10 secs then start turning her head again. We didn't get much sleep at all for the last 2 days as I was getting so stressed about BF. Then this morning I had a huge scare coz I could only get 40 ml out of the 2 breasts with the breast pump when I used to be able to get 80ml min! Then the next time I tried the breast pump wouldn't even work and I had to hand express for an hour to get 50 ml. My breasts have also gone all floppy and don't feel full ever. Called the MCN helpline and they asked me to call the hospital. Called the hospital and they've arranged for me to go in for a lactation clinic tmr (usually a 3 wk waiting period). I've also got in touch with a LC that my friend recommended in my area who will follow up with me after the clinic. Clinic runs from 8.30-2.30 tmr. Have been force feeding myself (haven't been eating much in the last 2 days as I was getting stressed) today and don't know if that's why this afternoon I managed to pump 100ml from both breasts. I've had to supplement with formula once so far as there just isn't enough for her to drink and she's crying and wouldn't sleep coz she's hungry.
    Hoping that we can sort out some issues tmr at the clinic. I just can't understand what I'm doing wrong...
  18. Babies born December 16th-31st 2010 #1


    Hey Caixin,
    I'm feeling your stress, I had about an hrs sleep last night. Bub cluster fed for 7 hrs again, 9pm-4am. Rang my Lactation Consultant again & yes it's normal, she suggested I sleep with bub tonight to try and break the cycle as she will sleep when I hold her but the min I put her to bed she cries to be fed again.
    I can't express because my body is producing only what bub needs, again this is normal, maybe this is why you couldn't get much but then if bub isn't feeding from you you should be able to get the amount she would have in a feed at the time she would usually feed. I hope tomorrow helps hun, hang in there, I'll be thinking of you and I know the frustrations of BF so feel free to vent to me anytime!
    Hope you're ok, I know how upsetting it is when all you want to do is feed your baby & it's not working. Tomorrow things will be sorted for you I'm sure!
    You're doing a great job xox