1 Month - 3 Months, September '05

thread: 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05

  1. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    1 Month - 3 Months, September '05

    Welcome to the 1 Month to 3 Months thread for September 2005!

    To have any of your details included in this thread, please reply to this post and a moderator will add you to the list.

    1 Month to 3 Months List - September '05

    Forum Name:
    Baby's DOB:
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl
    Baby Name(s):
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic)
    Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.)
    __________________________________________________ _______

    Forum Name: LG
    State: SA
    Baby's DOB: 30th June 2005
    Baby's Stats: Weight - 3.52kg Length - 52cm Head Circ - 35cm
    Gender of Baby: boy
    Baby Name(s): Evan
    Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/n/nickandlinds
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Forum Name: Tigergirl1980
    State: Victoria
    Baby's DOB:30th June 2005
    Baby's Stats: Weight -7lb 5oz Length -54 cms Head Circ -34cms
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Jonah Alexander
    Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/o/ouralienbaby/
    Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic) None now as they are all clear.
    Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.) 3 weeks early, forceps delivery after pushing for 2 hours.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Wardygirl
    State: Vic
    Baby's DOB: 30th June 05
    Baby's Stats: Weight - 4110 gm /9lb 1oz Length - 53.5cm Head Circ - 36.5cm
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Blake Elliott
    Baby's Website: TBA
    Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic)
    Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.) 3 days late, natural 5 hour labour. Spent 5 days on antibiotics due to GBS+
    __________________________________________________ ________

    Forum Name: beckles
    State: vic
    Baby's DOB: 1st july 2005
    Baby's Stats: Weight - Length - Head Circ - 3.8kg, 51.5cm, 37cm
    Gender of Baby: boy
    Baby Name(s): Oscar
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns:
    Notes: emergency c/section brow presentation & posterier

    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Kira
    Baby DOB: 1.7.05
    State: SA
    Gender: Male
    Weight: 8lb3oz, 3730gms
    Baby Name: Jake Paul
    Notes: Born elect C/S @ 38 wks
    __________________________________________________ _______

    Forum Name: Mama Mel
    State: Vic
    Baby's DOB: 4th July, 2005
    Baby's Stats: Weight - 3700g Length - 54cms Head Circ - 35cms
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Ryan
    Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/babies/o/ourlilboy
    Health Concerns:
    Notes: Born on due date! Water birth with gas
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Gemma
    State: Victoria
    Baby's DOB: 4th July 05
    Baby's Stats: Weight 3130g (6lb 14oz) - Length 49cm- Head Circ - 33.5cm
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Amy Jade
    Baby's Website: http://www.comcen.com.au/~winston/
    Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic) None
    Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.) Emergency c-sect after 24 hrs labour and only 3cm dialated. Cord around Amy's neck twice.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Hayseed
    State: Country Vic
    Baby's DOB: 06-07-2005
    Baby's Stats: Weight - 3100gm (6lb 13oz), Length - 48m, Head Circ - 35cm
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Thomas Mark Simpson
    Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/p/pup7
    Health Concerns: none
    Notes: was a caesarean birth because of breech presentation and also mild pre-eclampsia. Born 10 days before EDD.

    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Kate10
    State: Vic
    Baby's DOB: 09-07-2005
    Baby's Stats: Weight - 4400g, Length - 56cm, Head Circ - 36cm
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Kelsey Shayne
    Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/o/ourone/
    Health Concerns:
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: sunbeam koala
    State: Denmark (overseas)
    Baby's DOB: 10/07/2005
    Baby's Stats: Weight - 3500kg Length - 52cm Head Circ -
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Alexander Rohan
    Baby's Website: www.mikaidt.dk/2005/birth
    Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic)
    Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.)
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Forum Name: Mumofbundlezofjoy
    State: Victoria
    Baby's DOB: 19/07/05
    Stats: 4625gms, 52.5cm, 36cm head circumfrence
    Gender: Boy
    Name: Dion Michael
    Website: Not yet
    Health concerns: a little bit of jaundice
    Notes: Born at 39weeks 4 days, natural delivery
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: layla
    State: WA
    Baby's DOB: 19th July 05
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Sarah Ashlee
    Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/babies/s/skbub/
    Health Concerns: Wearing a harness to correct a shallow hip socket.
    Notes: 10 days early by planned c-section due to breech presentation.
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Forum Name: Monyfelix
    State: WA
    Baby's DOB: 26/07/2005
    Baby's Stats: Weight - 9lb 4oz
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name:Owen Keith
    Health: Very healthy bubba
    Notes: Born 4 days late, natural birth...failed Vaccum extraction. Forceps Delivery. Born 9lbs 4oz!!
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Forum Name: Kelli D
    State: Western Australia
    Baby's DOB: 27th July 2005
    Baby's Stats: Weight - 3280g (7lb 4oz) Length - 49cm Head Circ - 35cm
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Zahra Mackenzie Dawson
    Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/babies/d/dawsonkids
    Health Concerns: Increased risk of becoming diabetic
    Notes: 13 days early, Induced delivery due to maternal unstable gestational diabetes and elevated uric acid levels, on Intravenous Dextrose for 48 hours due to hypoglycaemia, flame naevis on forehead.
    __________________________________________________ _________

    Forum Name: Fletch
    State: NSW
    Baby's DOB: 30th July 2005
    Baby's Stats: Weight - 7lbs 8 oz or 3.4kgs Length - 51.5cm Head Circ - 35cm
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby's Name: Zane Scott
    Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/l/little%5Ffletch/
    Health Concerns:
    Notes: Born by vacuum extraction due to mums very high bp and Zane's lowered heart rate.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Jo_gee
    State: WA
    Baby's DOB: August 2nd 2005
    Baby's Stats: Weight - 4180g (9,4) Length 53cm, Head Circumferance 36.5cm
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby's Name: Samuel Luke
    Baby's Website:http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/j/joanddarren/
    Health Concerns: NIL
    Notes: perfect lil happy feeder born via c section
    __________________________________________________ _________

    Forum Name: Storm
    State: N.S.W
    Baby's DOB: August 9 2005
    Baby's Stats: Weight 3290 (7.4)- Length 52cm- Head Circ - 34cm
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl BOY
    Baby Name(s): Zachary
    Baby's Website: nope, sorry
    Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic)
    Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.) induced by arm, due to 2 vessel cord
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Melody
    State: NSW
    Baby's DOB: 20.08.05
    Baby's Stats: Weight 4.13k / 9lb 1oz
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Hunter Karl
    Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/m/melodyandrew/
    Health Concerns: None
    Notes:Vaginal Birth
  2. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Oh yay im first!! A pinch and a punch for the first of the month....

    On my way out i just wanted to see if there was any news to catch up on...im so addicted to BB there should be a BB anonymous. LOL.

    Not much news from me - we had a another great 11.5 hour night but today im trialling feeding not so regularly but ill come on when i have more time and explain.
  3. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Just a quicky as I'm on my way out for my massage!!!!

    I've just updated Blake's website with the photos I promise.

    What a gorgeous boy!
  4. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Hey Brooke - Maya's stats are there?? Have another look lol.
  5. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Hello lovely ladies and bubbies...and hello lovely mod..can i have these added too please....i did it on the other thread but i dont mind doing it again.

    Forum Name:Jo-gee
    Baby's DOB:2 August
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl Boy
    Baby Name(s):Samuel Luke
    Baby's Website:http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/j/joanddarren/
    Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic)
    Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.) c section

    Ive just been looking at all your lovely pics girls..your bubbies are all gorgeous.

    Thats a great sleep Heather..you lucky thing. Sammy doesnt really like to differentiate between night and day so i am feeding him every 3 hours regardless of it being night and day..not that i mind though..but a bit more sleep might be nice!!

    OOOOHhh a massage Rachel...enjoy.

    Hi Brookey...hope Maya will start sleeping more for you.

    Hiya Fletchie...yaay for you coping all on your own without DH. Babies are a lot of work eh...you must feel very proud of yourself and yaaay for the bath on his own! Hope hubby gets home tonight...fingers crossed eh?
    I tend to put Sammy in with one of his sisters in the big bath while i hold him. He just loves it and tries to turn around to look at the girls. Sammy has tounge tie as well...we had a few probs with attaching in hospital and my milk seemed to take forever to come in..but the clever lil darling resolved it himself and we havent had any probs since. The clinic nurse is very impressed that hes been able to learn to do it so quickly and so well...(hes averaging weight gain of over 300grams a week lil piggy). I hope that Zane's is ok and that you dont need to have it cut..i dont think i could bear that.

    Well will talk soon ladies

  6. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Just an ultra quick post about tongue-tie.

    Riley has it (my 3 y.o.) but it's not too bad, he can actually put his tongue out most of the way - if it's only slight tongue tie it often stretches enough so as to be not a problem, although he is having slight speech problems and not sure if that's to do with the tongue-tie or not.

    Tongue-tie can be hereditary too - my DH has it (has never had it fixed) and he...well....pashes and...errr...well, you get the idea

    Never had a problem with any pain or anything when B/F Riley either. Funnily enough Cooper and Makenzie don't have it.
  7. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Hi girls,

    Pup is not wanting to go down for an afternoon sleep, so I jinxed myself in what I said yesterday about him going down well after his little play time!! Sheesh!

    I'm just going to post the question again regarding portacots, 'cause I think it is going to be lost in the locked post (it might not get read). Question is, of those that have portacots, what brand do you have? Do you like it or wish you got another brand? Thanks Bec for your reply about the Swallow brand.

    I have just updated Pup's website with a few piccies. I just took one today (had to try and get a good one to put in a frame for father's day on Sunday). He is really starting to get easy to take a photo of.

    Fletch, my DH is going away for a few nights this month too. He went away when Thomas was only a couple of weeks old and I found it difficult. Not so much because DH does a lot with him, but just for moral support if anything!!

    Just on the tongue tied discussion, my DH was tongue tied but Pup hasn't seemed to inherit it. But just in case, who checks???

  8. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Hey guys

    Fletch - the meet-up sounds good! I just have to investigate when it gets a bit closer whether i can get out there. But ill try id love to meet you guys!! YAY at DH coming home tonight. I hate it when mike is away. He has only been away for a full night but does work late a couple of days a week and you really feel it by the end of the day dont you??

    Hayseed - we have a childcare portacot. We havent used it yet but it seems good for the money.

    So anyway the mothercraft nurse came and she thinks that i have been feeding hendrix too often and that because of that he is only snacking and getting the foremilk and thus a belly ache. She said i should trial feeding him 4 hourly as then he will be hungry and empty my breast. So i trialled it today and have a much happier boy!! He doesnt scream like he has and doesnt fight at the boob (he was pulling off because he didnt want to be there. LOL) Otherwise she says he is coping really well with my fast flow and large quantity. So hopefully with this and the zantac we should have a happy little mite again!!
  9. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Hello girls - I have been out of the loop for a few days and have totally forgotten what we were talking about in the other thread, so will try and catch up!

    Rachel - to answer your questions, Finlay's last feed is about 5.45pm and he sleeps through till 6amish. He has a dummy dependancy when he is sleeping and calls out a couple of times in the night to have it put back in! It is soooo frustrating, but he really wants his dummy for his long night time sleep, so I don't know what else to do!

    Well - this is goodbye from me - Finlay is 3 months old tomorrow and these past months have been the quickest of my whole life. I am back at work in 2 weeks and my time will be limited and I may not be around, so take care girls. I have loved walking this journey with you all and wish you and your babies all of the very best....

    Love Megan
  10. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    brooke - mak has the exact same outfit - the pink one with the toggle buttons and hood with ears! gorgeous pics!

    *goes back to bed*
  11. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Megan- gosh we will miss you. I too hope that you might be able to pop in every once in a while. Big hugs and kisses to you and finlay.

    Brooke - maya is just so gorgeous!! I love the photo of her and dan in the 10 weeks photos. She is so like him and you, such a mixture. I think she has your eyes.

    Well things are going so brilliantly with our little man. He slept 12.5 hours last night from 6:30pm till 7am this morning without a peep. I got 10 hours sleep as i went to bed early at 8:30 as we had such a big walking day yesterday. I feel the best i have felt, since before i was pregnant. Its great.

    Anyway im cleaning the house today, so better fly....
  12. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Hi girls,

    Megan, take care. I must admit, I don't envy you going back to work in a couple of weeks. i am on maternity leave until July next year and will be seriously considering about going back at all or stay at home and work on the family business (dairy farm - there's always something to do and not necessarilly outside with the cows!).

    Heather, I had a similar issue with Pup and him getting a bit of a bellyache because of getting too much fore milk. I produced - and still do to a certain extent - enough milk to feed twins or triplets. Hence, Pup was getting very full on just the fore milk and then getting a bellyache. The problem was, Pup was feeding every 4 hrs, so he was hungry enough. Just too much milk. It all seemed to fix though after my bout of mastitis - my milk settled down (coincidence I think) and I think as Pup is getting older, he is feeding more efficiently. I am also seeing a big difference in his settling after a feed now he is getting more hind milk. Good to hear that things are going well for you now.

    Brooke, I like the way you have set out your photos. I take it that you are clicking on the box of using a third party to host your photos (when at the area of uploading in babiesonline)? How did you get onto the website you have for the photos? It looks like a good way of displaying, especially if you have family wanting to be updated with LOTS of photos!! Oooh, I just turned on my speakers......I LOVE the music!!!

    Fletch, I also feed mainly on one side, but I think that now the lad is growing a bit more, and needing a bit more nourishment, I am finding that for at least 3 - 4 feeds a day, I am using both breasts. That's cool, 'cause I can get him dopey on one breast, change him, let him have a little look around and then set him off to the land of nod (or at least close to it) with the second breast! The photo I have on the site at 8 weeks is not the one I am giving DH, but a very similar one. Taken at the same time.

    We are off to the mum's group today. I'm guessing that Pup will crack the 5kg mark today. Last week he was 4700gms and he is putting on about 250 - 260gms/wk. He might be just under 5kgs. We also have to go for his vaccinations today :smt022 . Not looking forward to it.

    Gotta go. The boy has woken up hours before he is supposed to.......

  13. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Oh Brooke - sorry to hear of your yucky night. I had an bad night a few nights ago because the people in the flat above refuse to carpet their apartment and so we can hear everything and they have a 4 month old baby who cried non-stop from 12:30 to 3:30 which i could not ignore and lay and listened too almost in tears myself because they just left him in there. They believe in self soothing i think!! She finally got up and went to him at 3:30. Thebaby woke hendy at the end so he grumbled in his sleep until his 6 o'clock feed. Anyway that was last sunday so i think it was just a one off for the bub upstairs.

    Hayseed - i hope thomas's vaccination goes ok and have fun at your mothers group
  14. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Hi girls,

    well the vaccinations are over for another 2 months. Ughhh, it's hard to listen to your little one scream hey?? Our dr is lovely and just as he was about to give the first injection he turns to me and says "Are you ready mum?" I busied myself with wrapping up a dirty nappy!! But because I got the combined vaccination (DTP, HIB, Hep B, polio) he only had to have 2 injections - that and the pneunococcil one. Mind you, the combined one cost me $147.50, although I got a pharmacy reciept and can claim a proportion back on private health insurance. I thought it was worth it to pay the money to reduce the injections by 1 and I was also keener on my boy getting the injectable polio rather than the sabine (oral). Apparantely in the very near future all polio vaccines will be the injectable, but there is a shortage and there will be a bit of a dealy in getting them through. In the meantime, the orals are what is being given (free at MCH centres and councils/shires) until it comes through.

    The topic of conversation at the mums group today was preventing accidents and safeproofing (as much as you can) your home for the bubs. The nurse made good sense when she said that we should be one stepo ahead of our child's development. Hence, we should be safeproofing our houses for a 6 - 12 month old now, so you are not doing the jobs when the bub actually is 6 - 12 months old. We got some really good literature which I am going to review over a cuppa soon.

    So what are your girls and boys giving their dads for fathers day?? Thomas is giving his dad a plaster mould of his feet and hands...well, sort of. I bought a kit which is a photo frame on one side and a area to stick a plaster ipression on the other. I went to my mum's place the other day to do it (so DH wouldn't find out) and we had a hell of a time trying to get an impression of Pup's hand. He just wouldn't open his fist, the little bugger. And by the time i wrenched his hand open, the bloody plaster had dried. So we mixed up a fresh batch (thank god mum had some, as I had buggered the lot that came with the kit!) and we tired again. no luck. So I tried getting a footprint, but that was just as hard cause as soon as Pup's foot touched the plster, he either pulled his foot away, or really stomped it down and squished plaster everywhere. Sheesh #-o . In the end I got 2 ok impressions of his feet and for good measure I shoved his fist into the plaster as well. I think I'm going to have to tell DH what it actually is though - it's a bit hard to see!!! Sort of looks like a mash of plaster! But I'm sure "daddy" will love it. And we can always update it in a few months when I can get Pup to open his hand!!

  15. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    I am a sleep deprived vegie ATM, as with this chest infection, and the antibiotics Dion has hardly slept for the past 2 nights, and Rianna has a cold too, so when I get Dion settled, she's awake, needing panadol or a drink!!!
    On Wednesday Dion was only weighed (not lengthed or anything ) as he's 6 weeks, and he weighed in just under 6 kg, ( 13 pounds) I have had to put him in crawler nappies, as the infants are too tight around his tum!! Hes now wearing his 00 clothes, and size 2 shoes, I'm as sad as coz he's definitley our last so I wish I could keep him little for longer ( like the twins were)

    I am going back to work in 8 weeks, so I expressed the other day and DH tried to give him a bottle, wasnt a huge success, he fussed for a while then took about 40 mls ( but this took him about 1/2hr) then he was so glad to get on the bb and do it the right way!!! Will have to try again soon, so he gets used to it before I go back to work,

    I love looking at your websites, I have tried, but havent figured out how to set it up, your babies are all gorgeous, and Im sure everyone is very proud of them.
  16. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Hi All

    My, my 2 pages already, sheesh.

    Heather-Sorry about your yucky night, that poor little bubba. How silly not to have carpet in an upstairs apartment, very inconsiderate.

    Brooke-Sorry to hear you had a yucky night too, I hope Maya settles down for you. Yay at the new tops, it's good to get new stuff huh? Glad to hear that Maya was good at the shops, Jonah is too, makes it so muhc easier when they are good and not fussing at the shops.

    Hayseed-Glad to hear that Pup's vaccinations are all over for a little while, it's horrible isn't it? I hated it when Jonah got his, he screamed and sceamed, thank goodness he settled down after only a little while, but when it was happening I was close to sobbing myself.

    Jonah is giving his dad a mug with a picture of him holding him and on the other side it says "Dad and his Lad" as Ben always calls him Lad, it's very cute, and the writing is in children's crayon writing, too cute. And DH got a new electric shaver today so that was kind of part of it, well I say it is anyway. And on Sunday morning we are going out for brunch with my mum and step dad and in the evening Jonah and I are taking Ben out for dinner to Hogsbreath Cafe in Dandenong.

    Interesting about childproofing the home already, the trouble is we are going to be moving in Feb so there's not much point really, but maybe you could post your info somewhere on here, I know I'd love to read it if you can put it up somewhere.

    Vanita-Awwwww ,poor little sickies, I hope they both get better soon so you can get some much needed sleep. Wow, and I thought Jonah was a big boy, Dion is huge! Awwwww, your little bubba is growing up too fast, but I guess they all do really, I can't believe that Jonah is 9 weeks already, where does the time go?

    I hope you work out the bottle feeding for your DH itt's great when they can feed for you, well I think anyway, when I'm too tired and want to go to bed, Ben will often stay up to give him the late night feed, which sometimes is such a Godsend when I am literally dead on my feet.

    I hope you area able to set a site up eventually. I could do it for you if you want? If you sent me all the info and photos that you wanted to put on there I would be more than happy. Let me know

    Phew, I think I have caught up now, if I missed anyone I do apologise, I am quite tired so I doubly apologise. Catch you all tomorrow.

    Take care
  17. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Oh, I forgot to say that Pup was measured yesterday - I thought he would crack the 5kg, but no such luck. He weighs 4860gm (so what's that? 10lb 11oz ish) - he put on 160gms this week, not his normal 250gms. Maybe he's going through a lengthening spurt!! He wasn't measured for length as that was last week (a week earlier than expected). He was 55.5cm long then (4cm longer than his birth length). And he also put on 1cm round his head (now 36cm).

  18. 1 Month - 3 Months, September '05


    Well can you believe it 3 months are on us tomorrow. Boy how time has flown.

    Erykah is doing well and much easier to settle these days and the colic has died a death which is great. I hated seeing her in pain.

    No news on the Herald Sun the reporter never got back to me (Lion King $43 for a baby to sit on my knee for those not aware from previous thread).

    I have not been on much what with the relatives over from the UK and setting up my business which is going well.

    Erykah is chaging everyday and we have such a smiling little thing who I can see will be like her mother (talks none stop!) She happily wakes in her cot and chatters away for 1/2hr before I go to her.

    Anyway best go we are off shopping

    See you all in the 3 - 6 month thread
