Welcome to the 1 Month to 3 Months thread for September 2005!
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1 Month to 3 Months List - September '05
Forum Name:
Baby's DOB:
Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl
Baby Name(s):
Baby's Website:
Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic)
Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.)
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Forum Name: LG
State: SA
Baby's DOB: 30th June 2005
Baby's Stats: Weight - 3.52kg Length - 52cm Head Circ - 35cm
Gender of Baby: boy
Baby Name(s): Evan
Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/n/nickandlinds
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Forum Name: Tigergirl1980
State: Victoria
Baby's DOB:30th June 2005
Baby's Stats: Weight -7lb 5oz Length -54 cms Head Circ -34cms
Gender of Baby: Boy
Baby Name(s): Jonah Alexander
Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/o/ouralienbaby/
Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic) None now as they are all clear.
Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.) 3 weeks early, forceps delivery after pushing for 2 hours.
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Forum Name: Wardygirl
State: Vic
Baby's DOB: 30th June 05
Baby's Stats: Weight - 4110 gm /9lb 1oz Length - 53.5cm Head Circ - 36.5cm
Gender of Baby: Boy
Baby Name(s): Blake Elliott
Baby's Website: TBA
Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic)
Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.) 3 days late, natural 5 hour labour. Spent 5 days on antibiotics due to GBS+
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Forum Name: beckles
State: vic
Baby's DOB: 1st july 2005
Baby's Stats: Weight - Length - Head Circ - 3.8kg, 51.5cm, 37cm
Gender of Baby: boy
Baby Name(s): Oscar
Baby's Website:
Health Concerns:
Notes: emergency c/section brow presentation & posterier
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Forum Name: Kira
Baby DOB: 1.7.05
State: SA
Gender: Male
Weight: 8lb3oz, 3730gms
Baby Name: Jake Paul
Notes: Born elect C/S @ 38 wks
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Forum Name: Mama Mel
State: Vic
Baby's DOB: 4th July, 2005
Baby's Stats: Weight - 3700g Length - 54cms Head Circ - 35cms
Gender of Baby: Boy
Baby Name(s): Ryan
Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/babies/o/ourlilboy
Health Concerns:
Notes: Born on due date! Water birth with gas
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Forum Name: Gemma
State: Victoria
Baby's DOB: 4th July 05
Baby's Stats: Weight 3130g (6lb 14oz) - Length 49cm- Head Circ - 33.5cm
Gender of Baby: Girl
Baby Name(s): Amy Jade
Baby's Website: http://www.comcen.com.au/~winston/
Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic) None
Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.) Emergency c-sect after 24 hrs labour and only 3cm dialated. Cord around Amy's neck twice.
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Forum Name: Hayseed
State: Country Vic
Baby's DOB: 06-07-2005
Baby's Stats: Weight - 3100gm (6lb 13oz), Length - 48m, Head Circ - 35cm
Gender of Baby: Boy
Baby Name(s): Thomas Mark Simpson
Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/p/pup7
Health Concerns: none
Notes: was a caesarean birth because of breech presentation and also mild pre-eclampsia. Born 10 days before EDD.
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Forum Name: Kate10
State: Vic
Baby's DOB: 09-07-2005
Baby's Stats: Weight - 4400g, Length - 56cm, Head Circ - 36cm
Gender of Baby: Girl
Baby Name(s): Kelsey Shayne
Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/o/ourone/
Health Concerns:
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Forum Name: sunbeam koala
State: Denmark (overseas)
Baby's DOB: 10/07/2005
Baby's Stats: Weight - 3500kg Length - 52cm Head Circ -
Gender of Baby: Boy
Baby Name(s): Alexander Rohan
Baby's Website: www.mikaidt.dk/2005/birth
Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic)
Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.)
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Forum Name: Mumofbundlezofjoy
State: Victoria
Baby's DOB: 19/07/05
Stats: 4625gms, 52.5cm, 36cm head circumfrence
Gender: Boy
Name: Dion Michael
Website: Not yet
Health concerns: a little bit of jaundice
Notes: Born at 39weeks 4 days, natural delivery
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Forum Name: layla
State: WA
Baby's DOB: 19th July 05
Gender of Baby: Girl
Baby Name(s): Sarah Ashlee
Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/babies/s/skbub/
Health Concerns: Wearing a harness to correct a shallow hip socket.
Notes: 10 days early by planned c-section due to breech presentation.
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Forum Name: Monyfelix
State: WA
Baby's DOB: 26/07/2005
Baby's Stats: Weight - 9lb 4oz
Gender of Baby: Boy
Baby Name:Owen Keith
Health: Very healthy bubba
Notes: Born 4 days late, natural birth...failed Vaccum extraction. Forceps Delivery. Born 9lbs 4oz!!
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Forum Name: Kelli D
State: Western Australia
Baby's DOB: 27th July 2005
Baby's Stats: Weight - 3280g (7lb 4oz) Length - 49cm Head Circ - 35cm
Gender of Baby: Girl
Baby Name(s): Zahra Mackenzie Dawson
Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/babies/d/dawsonkids
Health Concerns: Increased risk of becoming diabetic
Notes: 13 days early, Induced delivery due to maternal unstable gestational diabetes and elevated uric acid levels, on Intravenous Dextrose for 48 hours due to hypoglycaemia, flame naevis on forehead.
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Forum Name: Fletch
State: NSW
Baby's DOB: 30th July 2005
Baby's Stats: Weight - 7lbs 8 oz or 3.4kgs Length - 51.5cm Head Circ - 35cm
Gender of Baby: Boy
Baby's Name: Zane Scott
Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/l/little%5Ffletch/
Health Concerns:
Notes: Born by vacuum extraction due to mums very high bp and Zane's lowered heart rate.
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Forum Name: Jo_gee
State: WA
Baby's DOB: August 2nd 2005
Baby's Stats: Weight - 4180g (9,4) Length 53cm, Head Circumferance 36.5cm
Gender of Baby: Boy
Baby's Name: Samuel Luke
Baby's Website:http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/j/joanddarren/
Health Concerns: NIL
Notes: perfect lil happy feeder born via c section
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Forum Name: Storm
State: N.S.W
Baby's DOB: August 9 2005
Baby's Stats: Weight 3290 (7.4)- Length 52cm- Head Circ - 34cm
Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl BOY
Baby Name(s): Zachary
Baby's Website: nope, sorry
Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic)
Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.) induced by arm, due to 2 vessel cord
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Forum Name: Melody
State: NSW
Baby's DOB: 20.08.05
Baby's Stats: Weight 4.13k / 9lb 1oz
Gender of Baby: Boy
Baby Name(s): Hunter Karl
Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/m/melodyandrew/
Health Concerns: None
Notes:Vaginal Birth