It worked Phoenix76
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See how that goes too ....
It worked Phoenix76
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See how that goes too ....
Sleepy - yours works too
Will be back later with a proper post once little miss is in bed. She had a temp & snotty nose yesterday and this arvo broke out in a rash all over her back and belly so off to the doc's we went. It's a virus of some sort and she's now cranky for missing her arvo nap.
Oh no Elijah just had a throat infection the other day, and the only indicator was a fever and high temp of nearly 39 degrees. No snot, no coughing, nothing, but the Dr said he had a throat infection, was off his food, and his bottles (which he loves so much) but once he got antibiotics he was better. So sad when they're sick
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JLeigh - I have inserted a link but don't actually have any idea how to really so it may not work! It is to my most recent fb album, but I haven't added any new ones in ages.
Sleepy and Phoenix - Are bubs better or at least on the mend? Hope so.
Phoebe slept from 10pm to 4.30am the other night! Didn't do it again though, but at least I got one night
I am going out by myself tomorrow!! I am even going to leave Phoebe at home, I know that she will be fine and will drink cows milk but I am a bit worried. I think I just need to do it - I don't think she will even look for milk if I am not around.
Oh and Jleigh, I would love to meet you! However i don't often have the car during the week, but if you are ever around Morayfield let me know
Last edited by Marnikat; April 1st, 2011 at 06:15 PM.
My poor little miss has a double ear infection! What I just thought was a cold started Friday night and last night we ended up with 39 degree temps. Didn't really come down with panadol either. So off to the dr we went this morning, lots of antibiotics and cuddles. Sad though cause I promised Tiana that we would go to the park today and Phoebe just really isn't well enough.
I chose yesterday to get rid of the dummy too! We did though and I was going to stop night feeds last night too but thought I might wait a bit before I did that. She has done fine without the dummy, the first sleep yesterday was a nightmare but since then only a little grizzle!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Hi Everyone
Marni - poor phoebe, A hasn't had an ear infection yet touch wood but I hear they are nasty nasty things! Hope she's on the mend soon.
Well A still isn't 100% after having temps last week of 39+ , runny nose & cough, she then broke out in a rash all over her back & belly we've been to the Dr's twice who says it's just a virus. Rash is still really visible (it's not on her face/arms or legs) and soon as she's naked for a bath or nappy change she's scratching at it. I'm thinking I might take her into WCH since the doc is really no help at all. She's also had really bad nappy rash that wasn't clearing until I tried an antifungal cream and it's now nearly gone thankfully the poor little mite.
Day sleeps are back to normal and last night she managed 12.30 - 5.00 which is a miracle here at the moment lol and a whole lot better than the 1-2 hours wakings the past week before.
I'm thinking I need to make an appointment for her 12 month needles - going to do it while DH is home so he can take her, he's missed out on all the others but will make sure it's after we get back from camping
camping - YAY for camping at Easter and meeting Sleepy!!
12 mth needles..would love to suck DH into going this time but its hard with his work. I think Zen will really feel these ones
I am stopping Zen from having his dummy during the day for naps and have got him to 1 bf at nights so am happy with that at the moment, will attempt to wean him off that one in the next month or so I think....crap, back later,,,gotta go!
Phoenix - I saw your photos of A! Boy, she's changed heaps since she was little - great to see all those photos.
Sleepy and Marni - Your links didn't open for me. Not sure why...
Sorry to hear that all your bubs are sick. B is (touch wood) fine but I have heard there are a lot of viruses going round. I think the cooler weather coming into winter doesn't help plus the temp changes - warm one minute, cool the next. I hope everyone is feeling better very soon though.
Sleep - We've been away for three nights, so B has been sleeping in a portacot and not settling too well. Once he's asleep he's fine for the night, but we've had a fair bit of crying trying to get him there.... back to sleep training for us, lol!
Camping - Tina and Sleepy, hope you have heaps of fun! Where are you going?
Dummy - I still haven't bitten the bullet and taken the dummy off Boz for his day sleeps, but I do take it off him once he's asleep if I remember (about half the time). Your positive stories help though!!
Well I have to say that the city isn't a very baby friendly place. Hardly anywhere in the city centre has high chairs... and trying to get past rushed office workers on Friday was a nightmare! But, it was nice to get away and do something different for a change.
Take care!
JLeigh - The city isn't very child friendly, but the museum is great when they are a bit older. As for the photos, I think you have to be my friend. Why don't you add me, have a look and then delete me again, lol. I wont be offended but that is the only way I can think for you to have a look!
Sleepy and Tina - Have fun camping, so not something I would do!!!
Phoenix - How long now?
Dummy - Still no dummy here, and she is fine without it now!
As for this stupid ear infection though, it is nasty! She has been on AB for over 24 hours and still has a temp of 38.6 as soon as the panadol/ nurofen is close to wearing off. She looks miserable. I thought the temp should be gone by now? If she is no better by lunch time tomorrow she is going back to the dr.
Marni - how is Phoebe now? poor little thing, hope she is feeling better!
I think there are a few little bubs that have not been to great lately. I think Zen is getting a little cold. the last two days his routine has gone out the window which is so frustrating. he wants boob every wake at night which is 3-4 times, is very unsettled. Have put him down for an early nap today and will try for another one just after lunch and try to get him back down for a 6pm sleep.
Hi Tina! I hear you on the night feeding. I am going to take Phoebe's away cold turkey as soon as she is completely better. She is another that has been feeding 3+ times overnight (even prior to being sick).
Well as for our interesting week, it sucked! Most of you know (except for prob JLeigh) Phoebe was admitted to hospital Tuesday night. I called the after hours dr cause she still wasn't getting better on AB for a double ear infection and she gave me a referral and sent me to the hospital. After being in emergency until 3.30am we were admitted to the ward with suspected Viral Pneumonia. We had bloods (3 veins later) and a chest x-ray (which she was fine for). The next day we had a nasal swab taken and eventually she was found to have bronciollitis in addition to the ear infection. I was really scared for a while cause her oxygen levels weren't what they should be and as it was viral there wasn't anything that could be done except for suctioning the nose and checking her to make sure her breathing was ok. They let us out Thursday but I was told to watch her and bring her back if there was any sign of difficulty breathing.
She still has a shocking runny nose and an awful sounding cough but she looks well! her eyes aren't as black and she is brighter and talking again. To top the week off John was away so I did it by myself and had to organise babysitters for Tiana (thank goodness for my sisters!) I am praying this week is better.
On a lighter note however I once again have boobs the size of watermelons cause all she was doing was feeding hourly for 3 days and is now back to less!! I have had to dig breast pads out again.
Sleep - Well we have been one week without the dummy now!! Once she is completely better I will cut out night feeds and then live in hope she gets the point and starts to sleep longer. Waking 3+ times overnight is too much!! There is only so much coffee I can drink in one day
How is everyone going with birthday organising? I am getting there (sort of). I know what I need to do, now just have to do it lol!
Hope that everyone is well and babies are healthy! Here is hoping for a calmer week here
Marni - Poor Phoebe! You have had a rough week. A virus must be the absolute worst because nothing can be done, just a waiting game. I hope she gets better real quick so you can get back to 'normal'. Go the watermelon boobs!
TinaR - I hope Zen feels better too soon.
AFM - Boz has hayfever, the poor thing. He's had really itchy eyes and a runny nose which have been making him a bit grizzly/clingy so we've been doing the night waking thing too. Luckily no night feeds here though! He was much better by mid-morning today though, so hoping it settles at least for a while. We had family portraits done yesterday and they were horrid - his eyes were red and swollen and his nose was runny - will maybe get them re-done or just forget about it. Really didn't want to pay hundreds of dollars for a couple of photos anyway...
Teeth - This morning where his bottom left molar is was red and looked like it had broken through, though I can't feel anything. Might also explain the clinginess and night waking.
Feeding - B refused his afternoon bf today. This might be the beginning of his self-weaning. He could barely muster an interest in his bedtime feed either but I was so full I persisted until he'd had a decent feed, lol!
Birthday - I finally sent off the invites yesterday and got B his pressie. We got him a fold out sofa cos he just loved one at a friends house last week. We also have a blackboard/whiteboard but not sure if he'll get that for his birthday or Christmas (or just whenever! ). I have looked at making a cake myself but my neighbour has a cupcake making business and they're awesome, so it's probably better for everyone if we get her to do a cupcake tower!
Hope everyone and their bubs stays well or gets better soon and gets lots of nighttime sleep!
Jleigh - I posted in your other thread but I am pretty sure you can get Claryntyne or Zyrtec over the counter for bubs. Tiana used to have to have it for allergic reactions.
Phoenix - How is A?
I can't believe it but after my shocker of a week last week I have mastitis!!!! It really hurts, like really! So close to being able to wean too Well I just needed a whinge. Hope everyone else has had a better start to the week.
Hey Guys
Jleigh - I posted in your other thread too, I got some Children's Claratyne for A without a prescription (even though doc had given me one)
Marni - On no you are not having a good run are you but very happy to hear little P is on the mend. Hope the mastitis clears quickly for you - touch wood I've escaped it so far.
Tina - I hear you on the 3-4 feeds a night, it's doing my head in especially since she used to sleep through the night. Hope Z is feeling better soon too, must be change in seasons for all our little ones to be sick.
Well after numerous Dr's visit and a second opinion A still has a rash, they think it was the Roseola virus given she had couple of days of high temp, snotting nose before the rash broke out BUT the rash is only supposed to last a couple of days and here we are nearly two weeks later and we've still got one. So we've tried Claratyne (did nothing) and on our second lot of cortico-steroid cream to help with the itching.
To top it off I suspect the litttle munchkin might be suffering from a bit of reflux or indigestion so off we went to chiro today for an adjustment and I've got some infant gaviscan which I started with her lunch - fingers crossed it might help settle her as I was up nearly every 45 mins feeding last night until I propped up her mattress and gave her some colic relief stuff and then I got 3.5 hours. Anyway daddy is home Wednesday night so she's all his between 7pm and 7am lol.
On a very happy note, we get the keys to the house on Thursday afternoon YAY but we won't be moving in until after easter since we have to have flooring put down and we are going away for nearly a week for easter.
Birthday - we'll be camping and all DH's family from Vic are coming along (will be arriving that day) so I plan on attempting to bake a cake in the camp oven, yes will be taking several packets to have a test run or two and take some balloons, hats etc and have a little party there. We've got her one of the converting tricycles but will leave that here, might get her a couple of books and something small to take there. Will also do something back home once we are moved in and settled.
Anyway supposed I should look at getting little miss something for dinner and into bed early since she missed her arvo nap.
Take care and hope everyone is well or on the improve.
Zen has just been a little whingy at night but I am hoping he settles again soon, we styed at my parents sun/mon night and he was in bed with me which was a nightmare cause I wake to every move he makes
he has gone back to one-two night feeds, an improvement over 3!
Phoenix - YAY for the house!! that must be so exciting for you and I hope you discover what is causing the rash very soon
Marni - hope your poor little girl feels better soon, that sounds just horrible!
birthday: I have everything but food/goodie bags finalised. we are having a western theme and his naming ceremoney.ive got a cowboy boot pinata, wanted sign for pics (face section cut out), pin the pickax on the gold mine game, 1st bday singature dog, mini cowboy hats, sherrif badges, fake moustaches and a heap of other stuff. MJ Party hire here in Boonah organised so much stuff, I just gave Janelle a list of what I wanted and she got it in,.
We are doing a 'early bday' for Elijah and Zen while camping, also going to campoven bake the cake...Zens 'real' bday cake has an edible image of him in a wanted sign $22 for the image and $5 in cake mix for his cake..easy peasy!
Gee Tina, you are a super mum! Zen's party sounds awesome! I am still deciding if I want a theme for our family/friends get together (will depend on what I can get at the $2 shops, lol!) but definitely not going to anywhere near as much trouble as you! Our MG is hiring a family centre and we're having a group party in just under two weeks. It's only $6 per family and has chairs/tables, BBQ, toy/book library, art space and indoor and outdoor areas for play with equipment so it should be awesome. One of the dads is a baker so is getting a cake done and we have some balloons and decorations too!
Campoven cake - Sounds way cool, let me know how it turns out!
Night time - B has decided that he doesn't settle to sleep so easy these days! It used to be sleeping bag, cuddle, goodnight and leave (about 2 mins total) but the last week we've had to sit by his cot for 10-15 mins while he lays down, sits up, stands up, lays down etc etc. After that, we're fine all night though. Hope everyone else gets back to normal ASAP.
Poor sick bubs - Hope they are all recovering.
Marni - Mastitis, you poor thing! Have you got AB's? Hope you're better soon...
AFM - B's hayfever was great for a couple of days, back again Tues night, seems to be worst in the late arvos. He also had the worse nappy rash, was so bad he wouldn't let us touch his butt and he screamed when the water touched it in the shower. But, once I saw that he's got his first molar (!! ) it all seems to make sense.
Gotta run, off to visit family today so better get organised!
Tina - Wow, that is some party!! You are so organised. He will have a blast I'm sure
JLeigh - Hope that the hayfever has improved!
Phoenix - How is A going now?
Well, my mastistis has cleared up but poor Phoebe is still sick. She has an intolerance to penicillan so we can't have that anymore. Poor little chicken was so sad and cranky on it and I feel terrible that it took me 2 days to figure out what it was. So yesterday she spiked a fever again! Back to the drs and we need to see a pediatrician becasue she just cant seem to get rid of whatever she has. We were up alot of the night and 3:00 this morning saw another 39deg fever. I don't know what to do?? We can't just have her live on panadol and nurofen!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Marni - Just popping in to give you and Phoebe lots of and . It's such a worry when your baby is sick, especially when you don't know why and can't do anything about it. I hope you see a Paed. soon and get your gorgeous girl back.