As a mother, your day can pass so fast yet you can still wonder what you have actually done with your day. So I asked some mums on BellyBelly to keep a diary of their day, so we could all see a typical day in the life of a BellyBelly mum!
Kathryn is a stay at home mum. She has two boys, Kameron who is nearly 4 years old and Lachlan who is 17 months.
Urgh Kameron is awake early again, after trying to keep him up late last night in the hope he would sleep in. Has come into the bedroom so I have told him to go watch TV for a while. Thank god he can turn it all on himself.
“MUM WAKE UP!!!” is being screamed from the lounge room.
Since the screams aren’t working (well they are I just like to ignore them), I get all the bed covers stripped off me. So I tell him to either get in or go back and watch TV but let me have another 15 minutes!!!
“MUM WAKE UP!!!” Okay, okay I am getting up.
Put the kettle on so I can make the boys warm weetbix for breakfast and then go and get Lachlan up, who has also waken after all of Kameron’s commotion.
Breakfast is over, so the computer is now turned on, while the boys play for a while.
Kids are fed up with playing now, and Kameron wants his cars washed after being in the sandpit. I had better get them dressed and do the dishes I guess.
Dishes are done finally! In between telling Lachlan off for touching my CD’s, opening the sliding door for him when he went outside and shut it behind him and dragging him out of the toilet because I forgot to shut the door. Now onto answering committee emails that are coming in for the association that I am a State Rep with.
Argh! I have to go into playgroup. Don’t need to be there till 9.15am though. Need to help lay some bark that is being delivered. Well the kids will think it is great going in there twice today. Lachlan is standing next to me “ma ma ma ma ma ma ma” time to teach him a new word or two I think!!
Bugger where did that time go. Have to get shoes on the kids etc. so we can get to playgroup! Ooops our ride has arrived…
The new bark for playgroup is late…typical! Raced home to get changed as it is warm outside and then going back again.
New bark is finally laid out. I got stuck shovelling. There is an hour till the afternoon session starts so the kids and I are going to get hot chips.
Back in playgroup and the boys are enjoying their hot chips and milk. The Early Childhood workers have arrived to set up for our afternoon session.
Afternoon playgroup has begun, the boys love this session of playgroup so I can sit back and relax as I don’t see either of them really for the 2 hours.
Home again. Thank god!! What an exhausting day, kids are sitting on the lounge watching Play School. At least I don’t have to cook tea tonight; Andrew is buying it on the way home. Time to check the forums while the boys are quiet. Well maybe later since it’s timing out, so I guess that means housework calls.
Kameron is asleep on the couch! I have put Lachlan to bed as well since he missed out on his afternoon nap. Time to turn off Play School and take my shoes off.
Three loads of washing, three phone calls and about ten sms’s later (all playgroup related) Kameron is awake. Why do they always wake in a grump when they have an afternoon nap! I am going to have to wake Lachlan soon otherwise he will be asleep all night.
“Mummy, will Daddy be home soon with Jacks?”
“Yes Kameron, he will be home soon.” Repeat x 20. Still have 15 mins to go yet.
Kameron is outside playing in the last rays of today’s sunshine. Andrew is now at Hungry Jacks getting tea, so I had better go and wake up Lachlan.
Tea is over and Lachlan is whinging, so better put him in his pyjamas and see if he will go back to bed.
That was a success, went straight back to sleep. Now I have to kick Andrew off the computer so I can get the BellyBelly Trivia going.
“Mummy help with poo”
Not words one needs to hear after eating dinner. But all was okay, just had an issue with putting it into the toilet bowl from the potty.
Kameron finally wants to get in his pyjamas. He is up a bit later tonight cause of falling asleep on the couch earlier.
Got him in his pyjamas, but wants Daddy to read his book to him (fine by me). My day is done!