Wednesday 2nd February – monitoring of Nathaniel
We had our usual weekly check up at the birthing centre at the Royal Women’s Hospital at 8pm. During the check up the usual observations were taken. BP was high and protein levels also high which concerned the midwife. So under consultation with OB and midwife, Renae was checked into the labour ward for observation overnight (or so we thought). In the labour ward our Nurse (named Deb who would be a regular nurse of ours over the days to come) saw us hook Nathaniel up to CTG machine and keep eye on Nathaniel’s blood pressure and baby’s heartbeat on regular basis. I stayed in at the hospital over night to keep an eye on my beautiful wife and baby.
Thursday 3rd February
Doctors saw Nae early morning. Advised blood pressure coming down which was good but protein levels were still quite high, which she will need 24 urine test monitoring and regular blood pressure to be taken. Also doctors advised to finish up work immediately. I took off the day as sick leave and spent the day by Nae’s bedside. Things were pretty smooth sailing for the rest of the day. I left the hospital at about 8 or 9pm to get some sleep before work the next morning.
Friday 4th February
Early hours of the morning Nathaniel was transferred to the Neo Natal Ward as nothing was really happening. I went to work for 7am start and when my manager (Sonja) came in at 8am and said to me “What are you doing here you meant to be with Nathaniel!” I wasn’t going to argue so Sonja also gave me the following week off as annual leave – how nice is that. Anyways went back into the hospital to see how things were going. All good was response and everything slowly returning to normal. The doctors gave her the all clear to go home which strict orders to relax and rest. Came home late that afternoon.
Saturday 5th February
Saturday was a fairly quiet day to start with. We headed to my brothers place that afternoon for some R&R with family. My sister in law is expecting in June this year. Mum and Dad were both there as well. We all headed out for dinner at one of our favourite restaurants that evening.
While at dinner Nathaniel got call from her grandfather to advise her Great Uncle had just suffered a major stroke and was on life support (which turned out to be major stroke but in stable condition). So with that added stress Nathaniel’s BP went straight back up. We left dinner and went home. Half hour after we arrived home she wasn’t feeling the best violently throwing up etc. Took her back into hospital as I knew her blood pressure was back up. Got checked back in to the women’s at about 9.30-10pm for an overnight stay with possibly longer. The doctors at the time told us tests will be done and still maybe required to go home again in day or 2. Thankfully the next morning would be better news.
Sunday 6th February
Sunday morning came and doctor paid a visit and advised she wont be going home before baby is born this time and likely to be induced by Wednesday or Thursday if nothing happened any earlier. Was also transferred back to the Neo Natal Ward. Apart form this news the day went uneventfully.
Monday 7th February – Nathaniel’s Birthday
The doctor visit this morning at around 9.30-10am was eventful and nerve racking if I do say so myself. The doctors advised Nae would be induced as soon as a labour ward bed becomes available, due to the continual high blood pressure and protein levels (risk of early signs of pre eclampsia). At around 11.30am a bed was available and we were on the move again.
Just before 12pm in the labour ward the doctor broke Nathaniel’s waters and soon after this labour surely kicked in. At time of that examination Nathaniel had already dilated to 2cms. Yes it’s a scary thought for us men, as well watching your wife/partner in labour. Back to story – around 1pm my father in law arrived with his partner Chris (who is a registered nurse). Chris was invited at this time as support person as our intended support person was at work and couldn’t get away.
Chris throughout the next few hours gave myself and Nae great support by being there when I was out of the room needing a break or whatever. By 1.30-2pm she was calling for an epidural. Around 2.30pm the epidural was in place. It gave her a little relief from pain but not the body pressures. Contractions continued steadily and growing within minutes apart. By at 5pm the nurse then asked me if I had eaten and said a lamington about 1hr ago but nothing else for the day and ordered me to go eat. When I got back 20mins or so later at 5.30pm she was fully dilated. I then had to walk out and take a deep breath and composed to what was about to happen.
After composing myself I walked back in and Nathaniel was advised to rest as much as possible at this point. She had no urges to push at this time and baby was still a little high. at around 7pm she was asked to give a few pushes, which she didn’t start getting the hang of until about 7.45pm but baby was being his little journey to the wide world. Round about 8pm the doctors were a little concerned that Nathaniel was getting a little stressed and advised us to move up to theatre. By time this was organised, 5 or so minutes later the nurse could fell him only an inch away from the world, but still was transferred to theatre.
In theatre a few minutes later with a little help from a bit of suction Nathaniel was born on the 07/02/2005, 5 weeks prem. Weighing 7p12oz. Nathaniel didn’t require specialist care at all and arrived back in the labour ward over half an hour before Nae came back down from recovery. So dad had his little boy in his arms for good half hour before Mum had a chance to really say hello.
On the Wednesday night following Nathaniel had a case of jaundice so had to be put in humidicrib (which we appropriately said “He sunbaking in Queensland” ). He stayed in there till the Sunday morning following. Nae was lucky enough that he didn’t need specialist care and was able to stay in hospital with him until they both came home on Monday 14th.
If you would like to submit your birth story for inclusion, simply send us an email – we’d love to hear from you!