No matter how long you spend perfecting your birth plan, there’s no guarantee that birth will go the way you want it to.
Some babies take a long time to arrive, and others seem in a hurry to be born. As you can probably imagine, being a birth photographer isn’t an easy job. For a start, you have to capture a very intimate moment in a family’s life while remaining non-intrusive. You want to take beautiful shots that the mama will treasure forever and you only have one chance to get it right.
One birth photographer had her work cut out for her when the baby decided to arrive in transit.
Birth photographer Paulina Splechta was lucky enough to capture the birth of a beautiful baby in the car park of a hospital. Her client, Paula D’Amore, was a pretty inspiring mama who was pursuing a second VBAC for her third baby. Paula had picked out a fantastic team of people to support her in realising her dream and had surrounded herself with positivity and hope in an attempt to make that dream a reality.
In the gorgeous birth photography, you can see snapshots of just some of the things Paula did to try to stay in control during labour. The positive affirmations and birth mantras can be seen decorating the walls of her home.
The birth photography is stunning and really captures the tranquility and strength present as Paula laboured at home. She can be seen breathing deeply while labouring in the bath, receiving a back massage from her doula.
When it was time for Paula to go to the hospital, birth photographer Paulina Splechta took a few snaps of the family getting into their car before making a dash for her own vehicle. Paulina arrived at the hospital car park just in time to discover that things were moving fast for Paula.
Writing on her blog, the birth photographer states: “One of the most amazing moments of my life. We rushed from mama Paula’s house to the hospital, and I pulled up in front of the Toppel Family Place at BRRH (Boca Raton Regional Hospital). I ran around their car with just my camera in hand to ask what room they took her to, and I see dad Joe holding baby girl Daniella’s head as mom was pushing in the backseat of their car!“
Paulina was able to snap some amazing shots of this unique birth story. You might imagine a car park birth would look scary and stressful, but the photos are anything but. The gorgeous pictures show an empowered, calm mama being supported by a loving and brave partner. They’re simply beautiful. The photograph of the new mama in the back of the car, her newborn baby held tight to her chest, will probably make you cry. What an amazing moment!