Not many mamas focus on completing their to-do list during labour.
Some mamas focus on their breathing techniques, others listen to music and some are completely in the zone.
A photograph of one amazing new mama went viral this week after she did something pretty impressive during labour.
Tommitrise Collins had been in labour for 20 hours and her contractions were just three minutes apart when she completed her psychology exam. Tommitrise’ sister, Shanell Brinkley-Chapman, snapped the photograph of her inspiring sister complete with hospital gown taking a psychology exam on her laptop.
‘Strong Priorities’
The aunt-to-be shared the photograph on Facebook with the caption, “This is what you call ‘strong priorities’. Contractions 3 minutes apart and still takes her psychology test! You are going to be a great mom baby sis.” The photograph has now been shared almost 15,000 times and people from around the world have commented with message of support for Tommitrise and her new baby.
Just seven hours later, Shanell posted again to share the news that Tommitrise had given birth to a 7 lb 10 healthy baby girl. That day, Tommitrise completed her exam and gave birth to her daughter, Tyler Elisa. It’s safe to say baby Tyler has a pretty strong female role model for a mama – and she may struggle in the future to come up with acceptable excuses as to why she hasn’t done her homework!
Playing video games during labour is thought to help reduce discomfort during contractions (you can read more about this here). It’s possible that taking the test may have helped to distract Tommitrise from the discomfort of the contractions by giving her something different to focus on.
This inspiring story highlights just how amazing women can be. Juggling motherhood, work and education isn’t easy, but it can be done. It seems that Tommitrise has a strong support system in the form of her sister, and that no doubt helped her to stay motivated on her school work whilst preparing for life as a mama.
Since the photo went viral, Tommitrise’ story has inspired women across the world. This story is a perfect anecdote proving women can do anything they put their mind to, even in labour.
Recommended Reading: For another inspiring birth story, check out BellyBelly’s article Just In Time: Mother Gives Birth Aboard Rescue Ship In The Mediterranean.