Well, its that time of year again Father’s Day… the time when all fathers and fathers-to-be are honoured and respected for their role in the perpetuation of the species. Strangely enough, its a day that is played down somewhat, perhaps because most dads are busy at the footy or some such activity
I have had many women ask me what men really want when it comes to father’s day – and I have also had many conversations with many men about what they certainly don’t want.
So in the spirit of reconciliation and in my unofficial role as the voice for ‘Mandom within Womandom’, I present the top 10 wants and don’t-wants for father’s day.
The disclaimer: these lists are presented as humour and satire, and should not be taken seriously. But if they were taken seriously, then there would be a lot of happy dads come Fathers Day.
Enjoy…. 😉
Top 10 Father’s Day WANTS
1. A Homebrew Kit
2. That accessory for the iPod/iPhone/other i-device that we still haven’t got
3. Kids at the grandparents and his favourite food served on a delicious bed of flesh off his darling wife… (hint hint)
4. The house to himself so he can dance around in his underwear to Bob Seger songs
5. Sexy lingerie, modelled (of course) by dear wife… (hint hint)
6. The day spent watching all the Batman movies (including the Adam West movie from the ’60’s)
7. A relaxing visit to the Japanese Steam Baths for massage, bath, and food with lovely wife…. (hint hint)
8. A shopping trip where you only go into shops he wants to go into
9. Some peace and quiet for when Dr Who starts at 7:30pm
10. Hints Hints Hints Hints… get the hint?!
Top 10 Father’s Day DON’T-WANTS
1. Socks, jocks, and hand-knitted jumpers
2. Any kind of gardening tool
3. A copy of the Business of Being Born DVD
4. A shopping trip where you only go into the shops she wants to go into (unless it is the lingerie shop… hint hint)
5. A subscription to the Australian Breastfeeding Association magazine
6. The latest Celine Dion CD
7. Any movie involving Hugh Grant, Barbera Streisand or Shirley Maclaine
8. Taking the kids to see the Wiggles… again!
9. Breakfast in bed, an awesome gift (see above list), pampering, love and attention, followed by a copy of the phone/credit card bill!
10. No Hints!!!