Being a mother is not easy.
There’s so much to think about when you’re juggling the needs of your tiny new human being with the pressures of work, a social life and, if you’re lucky, showering.
There aren’t enough hours in the day for most mamas to do everything on their to-do lists.
And yet, they push on, trying to do it all and have it all.
Society expects a lot from women. We’re supposed to look perfect, raise great kids, work hard, throw fabulous dinner parties, never miss a cocktail night with the girls, work out every day, and be the perfect wife.
Obviously, most of us are aware that not only does that stereotype simply not exist, we also wouldn’t want to live up to it even if it did. There are more important things in life than trying to live up to society’s idea of perfect. Too much pressure!
Heck, some of us are so far past caring that we’ve embraced the life of a hot mess mama.
What Is A Hot Mess Mama?
A hot mess mama is the kind of mama who, perhaps, doesn’t quite have it all together. She’s trying to juggle all the balls, but most of them are on the floor, along with a lot of broken toys, takeaway containers from last night’s dinner, and piles of dirty laundry. Her home doesn’t look perfect and you certainly wouldn’t want to risk eating off her floors. Trouble is, you might have to, because she’s unlikely to have found the time to whip up a three course meal for your visit.
She is usually the last mama at the school gates in the morning, and she can’t get to a lunch date on time unless you lie to her about the starting time. Her effortless style is pretty, well… effortless. Let’s say it features a lot of dried porridge and baby snot. Her kids are well cared for and loved, but they tend to wear odd socks and have unbrushed hair. And so does their mama.
She takes on too much, achieves too little, drinks too much wine, and collapses into bed exhausted at the end of each day. Her to-do list features items from months and months and months ago – all things she’s really hoping she’ll get round to one day (like sending your birthday present. Sorry.)
She’s a lot of fun to hang out with, if you don’t mind the late start to the evening. She can drink wine like no other and, thanks to her stressful life of not getting enough done, she loves to let her hair down.
So, are you a hot mess mama? Find out with this hilarious video.
Recommended Reading: To understand how hot mess mamas come to be in existence, check out BellyBelly’s article Finally, A Video Explaining Why Mamas Get Nothing Done.