There are certain ‘mama stereotypes’ you come across online, and you’ll probably find a few at your local baby group.
Although stereotypes are exaggerated, sometimes there are glimmers of reality amongst the magnified characteristics.
Once again, Buzzfeed is spot on with a hilarious new video. The Different Types Of Moms You Meet is a 96-second clip featuring five infamous mama stereotypes. The video has already been viewed over two million times, no doubt because it struck a chord with many in the mama community.
The PTA Mom
The video features the ‘PTA Mom’ who brings a business approach to all things parenting. She’s the queen of organisation and whips everyone else into line. She’s heavily involved in her kid’s school and desperately wants her mama friends to be too, which is why she’s always calling in favours for bake sales and other fundraisers.
The Parenting Expert
Then there’s the ‘Parenting Expert’, the mama who spends a lot of time researching, reading and analysing data so she can be completely up-to-date on everything. She’s always on her phone reading the latest parenting blogs, and she shares all the articles she reads on her Facebook page, and can’t help but send all her mama friends links to the articles she’s found particularly helpful.
The Crunchy Mom
Enter ‘Crunchy Mom’. She likes everything to be healthy, natural and totally environmentally friendly. She waxes lyrical about the benefits of modern cloth nappies, the importance of feeding your baby organic food, and the wholesome activities she does with her kids.
Hipster Mom
‘Hipster Mom’ is about as fashionable as they come, and loves her kid to look effortlessly stylish at all times. She wants to be seen as different, while totally conforming to the rules of hipsterdom. She eschews television and Netflix, in favour of a typewriter and vinyls. She would rather die than let her child listen to manufactured pop music. She hangs out at the farmers’ market, loves eating out at raw food or vegan eateries, and almost certainly has a decent collection of Penguin Classic paperbacks.
Hot Mess Mom
Finally, there’s ‘Hot Mess Mom’. She’s always running late, she rarely brushes her hair, and she usually has some kind of stain on her clothes. She lacks all the organisational skills that make ‘PTA Mom’ tick, and forgets almost everything on her to-do list. She appears scatty but really she is just way too busy. She could definitely do with a relaxing pamper day, but unfortunately doesn’t have the time.
So, which mama type are you?
If you didn’t fit into any of those categories, take a look at BellyBelly’s article 13 Types Of Mothers You’ll Find On Social Media.