You’re 14 weeks pregnant and maybe it’s still sinking in that you’re having a baby!
The queasiness from those wonderful pregnancy hormones is settling now and you have less fatigue.
Wondering what to expect in pregnancy week 14?
Read on to find out more.
14 weeks pregnant is how many months?
At 14 weeks pregnant you are in your fourth month and the second trimester. By now you should’ve said goodbye to the not-so-popular first trimester symptoms.
Bring on that second-trimester pregnancy glow!
14 weeks pregnant
Getting to 14 weeks gestation is a big milestone.
So many things are changing for the better now you’re in the ‘honeymoon period’ of pregnancy.
This is the time you’ll feel most energy and really enjoy getting things done.
You’re not so tired these days, and you’ll continue to feel really good.
Take the opportunity to do all the things you had been putting off while the first trimester sapped your energy levels.
14 weeks pregnant symptoms
At 14 weeks most pregnant women are past morning sickness pregnancy symptoms.
For some, unfortunately, they will continue into the 16th week and beyond.
If you’re still experiencing morning sickness, remember to stay hydrated and eat small and frequent meals.
Even mild dehydration can leave you feeling tired, foggy, and unfocused. Electrolytes (not to be confused with sugary sports drinks) can make you feel a lot better during pregnancy.
You can read about 9 Important Reasons To Take Electrolytes throughout pregnancy and into breastfeeding.
Speak to your doctor about ongoing nausea and vomiting and how to treat it.
14 weeks pregnant cramps
When you’re 14 weeks pregnant, you might start to experience muscle cramps.
This happens because your blood flow is slowing down a little.
Cramps are most common in the legs, and they will often start when you are cold, and at night time.
Some women find muscle leg cramps ease if they increase their intake of calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
The following foods have plenty of the right types of minerals to keep leg cramps at bay:
- Nuts and seeds, especially almonds, chia, sesame, and quinoa
- Whole grains
- Avocado
- Bananas, melons, figs, and citrus fruits
- Dairy products, particularly yogurt and cheese
- Eggs
- Sweet potatoes and winter squash
- Dark leafy greens
- Fish and turkey.
If cramps are an ongoing problem, try using heat pads on the affected areas.
Epsom salt baths can also ease the ache of muscle cramps.
14 weeks pregnant ultrasound
Most women have an ultrasound between 11 weeks and 13 weeks 6 days. If you missed this scan, speak to your healthcare provider about tests you can have to check that baby’s development is on track.
14 weeks pregnant belly
You might have noticed some aches and pain in your abdomen as your tummy stretches.
This is to do with your uterus expanding very rapidly to accommodate your growing baby.
The round ligament around your uterus is stretching. This process can sometimes surprise you with short jabbing pains down the side of your belly.
Round ligament pain is normal, but it can be annoying. To ease it, try some gentle stretching and apply heat from a wheat bag to your stomach.
Very soon you’ll have a proper little bump to rub, which makes the feelings of discomfort worth it.
This is a wonderful time during your pregnancy, as you’re feeling great and have the pregnancy glow.
14 weeks of pregnancy – your appetite
Now the nausea has passed, you might find you’re hungrier than usual.
It’s important to remember that what you eat is going towards your baby’s development.
Your baby will take what he or she needs, but if you’re not eating well, it can leave you feeling terrible.
If you’re unable to eat or drink due to persistent nausea or vomiting, contact your healthcare provider for advice.
It might be very tempting to fill up on high carbohydrate and sugar-laden foods to calm your appetite.
Try to resist. These foods are devoid of the nutrients that both you and your baby need, and you’ll notice you get hungry again quite quickly.
The solution is to opt for nutritious, filling foods. Protein, good fats, greens, and other veggies will keep you full and healthy.
Want some mouthwatering healthy breakfast ideas? See our delicious suggestions in Healthy Breakfast – 13 Delicious and Healthy Breakfast Ideas
14 weeks pregnant weight gain
It’s pretty normal for weight to start increasing from around 14 weeks gestation. You might notice your clothes are a little tighter and those jeans just fit over that little baby bump.
It’s important to remember weight gain is normal and important during pregnancy.
However, it’s equally vital to remember the weight gain should be slow and steady over your pregnancy.
You want to keep your weight within a healthy range for your body type.
Too much weight gain increases your risk of pregnancy and birth complications later.
The recommended weight gain in pregnancy is based on your body weight and body mass index (BMI) before you became pregnant.
Pregnancy health experts, such as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), suggest the following weight gain guidelines.
If your pre-pregnancy BMI was:
- Less than 18.5, you should aim to gain 12.5 to 18 kg (27.5 to 39.6 lbs)
- 18.5 to 24.9, aim to gain 11.5 to 16 kg (25.3 to 35.3 lbs)
- 25 to 29.9, aim to gain 7 to 11.5 kg (15.4 to 25.3 lbs)
- 30 or more, aim to gain from 5 to 9 kg (11 to 19.8 lbs)
Tips for healthy weight gain in pregnancy
The best thing you can do is to be at a healthy weight before becoming pregnant.
Here are some tips to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy:
Tip #1: Talk to your doctor
Discuss with your doctor about expected weight gain during pregnancy, so you know how much weight gain is right for you. Some pregnant women feel anxious about having this discussion, but remember this information can support you to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
It can also improve your chance of a positive birth experience. It is worthwhile seeing a nutritionist if you have concerns, or if you want a second opinion, as most doctors aren’t trained in nutrition.
Tip #2: Track your weight gain
Track your weight so you can see your progress. This can help you feel positive about your efforts and keep you on track for the whole of your pregnancy.
It can also help you focus on what’s working to achieve a slow and steady weight gain.
Tip #3: Focus on healthy eating
An important way to manage weight gain is to focus on healthy eating. You don’t need to eat for two during pregnancy.
Your calorie requirements don’t increase a great deal but your nutrient requirements do.
Eat for quality nutrition to get adequate folate, iron, calcium, iodine, protein, etc. This includes a focus on fresh vegetables, protein, and healthy fats.
Check out What Foods Can You Eat During Pregnancy? for more suggestions.
Avoid or limit sugary and processed foods and drinks, which are high in carbohydrates, and devoid of nutritional value.
Tip #4: Exercise regularly
Exercise is a really important part of pregnancy care. It helps keep weight gain within recommended levels and promotes a positive mood. It will increases blood flow and help with insulin resistance.
Exercise can also have a positive effect on birth, shortening labor and reducing the need for pain relief.
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What to do when you’re 14 weeks pregnant
This is a great time to start making yourself a to-do list. You won’t believe how time will fly over the next trimester.
Here are some things to tick off your list:
- Plan the nursery, or your bedroom if you’ll be co-sleeping
- Begin pregnancy yoga classes
- Research local independent childbirth classes. Sign up for those now, as many popular ones can book out quickly.
- Take a babymoon holiday with your partner
- Visit the dentist to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy
- Join a local breastfeeding group
You’ll probably find this list grows as fast as your pregnant belly!
What is my baby doing in the womb at 14 weeks?
At 14 weeks of pregnancy, your baby can move facial muscles and make all sorts of expressions.
The roof of the mouth is also formed by this stage in the second trimester.
Your baby is also developing hair on the head, and eyebrows too. Bet you can’t wait to see what color it is!
During this week, your baby’s body will begin to grow faster than her head.
The arms will also be more proportional by the end of the week, but you’ll have to wait a bit longer for the legs to catch up.
Also at this time, the liver begins to produce bile.
Your baby can grasp with both hands and will start exploring the inside of the uterus, the umbilical cord, and even her own body.
The other clever thing your baby has learned to do is some practice breathing.
What does baby look like in the womb at 14 weeks?
A fine layer of hair called lanugo begins to cover your baby’s body. This hair is mainly there for warmth, as your baby doesn’t have much body fat to stay warm.
Once enough body fat accumulates, the lanugo hair will usually be shed.
Some babies will still have a little peach fuzz covering their skin when they’re born.
Fully developed genitals have formed and they are now visible, although still hard to detect on ultrasound.
If you want to find out whether your baby is a boy or a girl, you’ll have to wait until after 16 weeks.
How much does my baby weigh at 14 weeks pregnant?
When you’re 14 weeks pregnant, your baby is about 9-10 cms (3.5-3.9 inches) long, weighs about 42.5 grams (1.4 ounces), and is roughly the size of a lemon.