We couldn’t help but not share these awkward pregnancy photos with you.
Rest assured, it’s all intended as a bit of fun.
If we can’t laugh at ourselves, well… that’s no good.
Below are 27 fine examples of what look you should not attempt to achieve when you’re planning your next pregnancy photo shoot.
When you see these awkward photos, you’ll struggle to understand what these people were thinking!
Must have seemed like a good idea at the time.
So, take a look, and let us know which is your favourite via the comments section at the end of the article!
Awkward Pregnancy Photos
Make sure you’re sitting down, and if you’re pregnant, be careful not to laugh too hard. You never know what might happen! So, which of these photos is your favourite — or least favourite?! Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #1: She Always Wanted To Be A Bunny
Now all her dreams have come true (his too apparently)… pregnant and a bunny.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #2: Beer On Board
When you’ve worked up a hard earned thirst… can’t you just feel a slap coming on? It’s B A B Y.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #3: Belly… Ring
All I can think of when I see this is… ouch. Belly ring anyone?
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #4: Creative Floral Presentation
It’s all fun and games until the pregnant woman wets her plants.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #5: Hi-Ho Silver
It’s gonna be one bumpy ride… neeeeeeigghhhhhhh.
Look out! More awkward pregnancy photos coming your way! We’re just getting started!
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #6: Under Construction
Dual purpose photo shoot… you could probably use the same props to decorate your baby’s room. Just make sure junior doesn’t get to see this photo.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #7: Wrong On So Many Levels
Must. Not. Stare. What the heck?! Who would even….?
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #8: Fantastic In Plastic
Why not think of the environment and recycle… plastic is a great start.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #9: The Thinking Woman *not affiliated with BellyBelly.com.au
She’s got a towel underneath her, just in case. Bless. I think you’ll be okay, love!
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #10: Before and After
Yikes! Will you get the baby out already?!
More pregnancy photos I hear you say? Sure! How are these for starters?
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #11: One For The 21st?
Why? Because… no, WHY? I think we have a pretty good idea of how this happened.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #12: Peekaboo
Gees, and you went to all that trouble. No.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #13: How About It Baby?
We’ll lay down on the rug, by the fire, and… oh, yeah, ‘Cheese!’ I bet he can’t wait to get her home.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #14: Skeri-ton
Interesting take on a pregnancy photo, not so much awkward, but unique. Maybe dad is a radiographer?
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #15: It’s a….?
Look out, it’s a boob… no it’s a bum… no its a…. holy belly photo batman!
We’re getting towards the end now. Keep checking out these awkward pictures, it’s worth it!
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #16: Really? She Just Did That?
Lets put this one in the living room shall we? Don’t just stand there, catch!!!
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #17: A Work Of Art
Not quite like the picture they showed us, but good enough.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #18: Scary Christmas Every Body!
Holy heck… took me a while to work out what has sausages sticking out of its head. Then I realised they weren’t sausages… but who was to know?
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #19: Awwwwww
Don’t worry dad, you can feel special too. You. Are. Important.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #20: WHY
Just… why? The way she’s looking at him, maybe she was so mad after her partner brought home the wrong brand of chocolate dipped salted pickles, that she ate her partner instead. Anyway, that totally freaks me out. Nightmare material.
And here’s the last of our awkward pregnancy photo series… got a favourite yet?
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #21: Creepy Stalker
Every breath you take… every move you make… I’ll be watching you.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #22: You Swamp Thang, You
Because its as close to the water as they could get. Swamps make a great alternative to the ocean.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #23: Horror Movie
Yeah, I am pretty sure I saw this on a cover at my local video store, in the horror session…
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #24: Don’t Mess With Her…
Anything could happen. Any minute. I’m scared….
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #25: Closer…
“Darling, not during the photoshoot please…” Because you thought you couldn’t get close enough.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #26: Might Feel Like This…
No need to show it though. Ouch.
Awkward Pregnancy Photos #27: Do Not Disturb
Actually, go on, I dare you. I’ll just wait over here.
So, which was your favourite? Found some inspiration for your next photo shoot? Please let us know in the comments section below!
Photos sourced from: awkwardfamilyphotos.com