Feeling a little tired, lethargic or just plain old ‘meh’ lately? Why not take advantage of your Superwoman sense of smell and enjoy the health and wellbeing benefits associated with essential oil use?
Are Essential Oils Safe In Pregnancy?
Great question. When enjoyed in a vapouriser, essential oils are perfectly safe and an excellent way to feel uplifted and energised during pregnancy.
It is only when applied directly to your skin that some warnings apply. Essential oils are plant extracts that are extremely powerful, very potent and although highly concentrated, can have a significant impact on your body.
For this reason, we suggest speaking to a qualified professional before applying essential oils directly (and undiluted) onto your skin.
Benefits Of Using Essential Oils During Pregnancy
The benefits associated with using essential oils are bountiful, especially if used during pregnancy. There are many reports of essential oils aiding in the relief of pregnancy-related issues including nausea, swollen ankles and aches and pains.
Essential oils can also help you feel relaxed, calm and balanced. Alternatively, if you need a punch of energy, there are a variety of oils to help boost your vitality and help to make you feel energised and uplifted.
Essential oils can also clear your mind, help you concentrate and even aid in decision-making!
Pregnancy-Friendly Essential oils
Orange: This essential oil is said to make you feel joyous, calm and uplifted.
Lavender: Safe for use after 12-weeks, lavender is a great oil to feel serene, relaxed and balanced. It also eases pregnancy aches and pains and reduces fluid retention.
Ylang ylang: This great all-rounder is a must-have during pregnancy. Not only does it act as an aphrodisiac, but it also reduces your blood pressure and it said to comfort individuals that are feeling tense or stressed.
Neroli: For those experiencing anxiety or pregnancy nerves, neroli is said to help you feel relaxed and tranquil. It also boosts your skin cell regeneration so you look and feel great too.
Eucalyptus: This oil is fabulous if you’re feeling a little congested as it acts as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antiviral to ease symptoms of respiratory congestion.
Tea tree oil: To be used only during pregnancy and not during labour, tea tree oil is an antifungal and antiviral oil that helps ease the symptoms of thrush during pregnancy.
Cypress: Cypress is safe for use after five months and helps to relieve varicose veins, soothe swollen ankles and ease hemorrhoids.
Sandalwood: If you’re having troubles sleeping or feeling relaxed, you’ll want to invest in some sandalwood oil. Sandalwood is a natural sedative and anti-depressant and also eases cystitis during pregnancy.
Patchouli: Need to make a decision but struggling to control your racing thoughts? Pick up some patchouli and feel clear-headed and in control again. Said to alleviate apathy, indecision and confusion, patchouli is a great oil to keep in your cupboard for those ‘baby brain’ days.
Geranium: Great for boosting energy and promoting circulation, geranium is safe to use after the first three months of pregnancy. It also relieves aching legs and helps you to feel refreshed.
Essential Oils To Avoid In Pregnancy
During pregnancy, there are some essential oils you should avoid. Some of these oils are toxic, or have an emmenagogue action, which means they promote menstruation.
Esoteric Oils recommend that during pregnancy, the following oils should be avoided:
- Almond – bitter
- Basil
- Black pepper
- Cedarwood
- Chamomile
- Cinnamon
- Clove
- Fennel
- Horseradish
- Jasmine
- Lemon
- Lemongrass
- Mustard
- Myrrh
- Nutmeg
- Oregano
- Peppermint
- Pine
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Sage
- Stinging nettle
- Thyme
For a full list of essential oils to avoid during pregnancy, visit the Esoteric Oils webpage.
And if you’re looking for some fun ways to use essential oils, or just want to know how to choose the right brand of oil, check out our article on aromatherapy.
Please note: if you have a history of miscarriage, epilepsy, heart problems, diabetes, liver, thyroid or kidney disease or blood clotting problems we suggest giving essential oils a miss during pregnancy. If you have any questions or concerns, make sure you speak to your doctor or midwife.