Whether or not you’re trying to conceive, waiting to take a pregnancy test can be a nerve-wracking experience.
It can be difficult to know when to take the test.
So how do you know when you should take a pregnancy test for the most accurate results? How many days past ovulation (DPO) is the best time to test?
If you’ve been pregnant, what DPO did you get your BFP?
Read on for some tips.
What DPO did you get your BFP?
First, let’s explain some of the terms people use during TTC.
Let’s start with TTC: this stands for trying to conceive.
Some of the others are:
- DPO = days past ovulation
- BFP = big fat positive (positive pregnancy test)
- BFN = big fat negative (negative pregnancy test)
- AF = Aunt Flo (period)
- HPT = home pregnancy test
- hCG = human chorionic gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone)
- BBT = basal body temperature
People tend to use these abbreviations rather than writing out the full terms, as it’s quicker and easier.
What DPO did you test positive?
Let’s look at what DPO a BFP can be expected.
The typical cycle is about 28 days. In a typical cycle, ovulation will happen around day 14.
After ovulation is the luteal phase, which is about 2 weeks long.
This means, in a typical cycle, your period is expected around 2 weeks, or 14 days, after ovulation occurs.
You should know when you ovulate if:
- You practise birth control methods such as natural family planning
- You use ovulation test sticks
- You can feel your body ovulating
- You pay attention to what type of discharge you have.
If you don’t know when you ovulate, it might be time to start practising natural family planning or using ovulation test sticks.
Some women experience the feeling of ovulation as:
- Pinching near the ovary
- Cramps in the lower back or belly.
Other signs can be:
- Increased appetite
- Food cravings
- Mood swings
- Irritability.
But how long after ovulation can you expect to see that BFP?
What DPO did you get your BFP?
It’s important to understand pregnant women get their BFP at different times.
The reason for this is the hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG).
Home pregnancy tests measure the amount of hCG in your urine.
The test needs to detect enough of this hormone to trigger the second line that shows a BFP.
Each pregnant woman will produce hCG at a different rate.
This means not all pregnant women can expect to get a BFP on the same day of their cycle, or the same DPO.
Each woman’s body, and even each pregnancy, is different.
You’ll hear about women getting BFPs very soon after ovulation, but that’s not the case for all women.
How many DPO for BFP?
When you get your BFP also depends on what brand and type of home pregnancy test you use.
Each brand and type of test needs a different amount of hCG to trigger a positive result.
You should check the recommendations on your test to find out how many DPO you should take it.
Often, cheaper tests need higher levels of hCG to trigger a BFP.
It’s generally recommended you wait until you’ve missed a period before you take a home pregnancy test.
That means you’d be at least 14DPO.
This study found the recommended test times on home pregnancy tests can be unreliable.
It’s generally best to wait as long as you can before taking one.
How many DPO did you get a positive test?
Although it’s recommended that you wait until a missed period, it can be difficult to be patient enough to wait that long.
Many women report getting a BFP before 14DPO – and some as early as 9DPO.
Pregnancy tests are more reliable from the first day of your missed period.
Sensitive tests claim to be able to detect hCG as early as a week before your period is due.
In other words, the longer you wait, the more you’ll be able to trust the results.
You might have some BFP or BFN clues if:
- You use natural family planning
- You note your discharge
- You take your basal body temperature
- You notice any symptoms different from the usual.
Be sure to read How Accurate Is An Early Pregnancy Test? for more information.
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What DPO did you get sore breasts?
It’s worth paying attention to any symptoms you’re experiencing.
Early pregnancy symptoms can be very similar to PMS symptoms, but there are differences that might give you some clues.
Symptoms more likely to indicate early pregnancy than PMS are:
- Spotting (from implantation)
- Nausea
- Food aversion
- Breast or nipple changes
If you experience any of these symptoms, you might try taking a test. It’s not recommended, however, until 14DPO, or your missed period.
Many women believe they’re getting their period because the symptoms of PMS and early pregnancy are so similar.
Don’t be discouraged if you’re TTC and think you’re feeling PMS.
How many DPO did you get your BFP?
It’s important to remember women produce hCG at different rates.
Your friend might have got a BFP at 9DPO, but you have to wait until 14DPO or even later.
The important thing is this: if you are pregnant, you will get that BFP.
Your body is supporting your pregnancy in the way it needs to.
When did you get your BFP?
Another important thing to remember is that you can get a BFN and later get a BFP.
A pregnancy test simply measures a hormone.
When this hormone reaches a high enough level, it will trigger a positive result.
If you get a BFN, it’s still possible you’re pregnant.
If you test when the hormone level isn’t high enough, it will show a negative result – even if you are pregnant.
The best ways to know for sure are:
- Wait until you miss your period and then test
- If you miss a period but still get a BFN, wait a few more days and then test again
- See your doctor for a blood test.
A blood test is a much more reliable indicator of pregnancy, as it tells you the exact level of hCG in your body.
This will definitely tell you whether or not you’re pregnant.