The moment your cosmic angel drew breath, whether they were premature or post term, they where filled with cosmic DNA that makes them unique.
Although they will share the planet with 1/12th of the earth’s population who share their birth sign, they themselves are unique. It will take 2,500 years before your baby’s birth chart is duplicated and even if you have cosmic twins, even the minutes separating them, will bring unique differences.
Each planet in your baby’s birth chart has a role to play in your child’s life. They are their Guardian Angels, there to help make sure that your child fulfils the Secret Promise they were born with.
The Sun is there as your Cosmic Angel’s eyes. The Sun’s promise to your child, is that for all of their life, he will be their eyes and windows to the world. He’ll show the way and be the headlights for their life and even when they’re old and their eyesight fails, the Sun will still be their eyes.
The Moon comes forward and says, ‘I will be your emotions’. The watery realms of shifting feelings, intuition are the realm of your baby’s Moon and throughout their life, how they handle their emotions, will be in control of the Moon.
Mercury comes forward and says, ‘I will be your mind’. From the moment of birth, Mercury rules your baby’s brain, how it is hardwired and how it operates. Mercury will operate in your baby’s life in 12 month cycles.
Venus comes forward and says, ‘I will be your heart’ and from that moment on, Venus protects the most fragile part of a human being. In Venus’ hands is a tiny heart, so capable of love and of being loved, that nothing is required. Love itself is the food of the heart and so long as you never stand in its way, then the life of this child, will be filled with love. Venus will operate in your baby’s life in 12 month cycles.
Mars comes forward and says, ‘I will be your spirit of adventure’. Mars will be there, giving your baby a fighting spirit and a very human need for a quest. Mars will take your Cosmic Angel in and out of danger, scrapes and battles. He’ll take them up trees and into risky and dangerous situations. Mars knows no consequences and by the time your child reaches 2 years old, he or she will probably have more maturity. Long may the spirit of Mars live in your child, for without him, we would never take risks and that’s what life is all about. Mars will operate in your child’s life, in 2 year cycles.
Jupiter comes forward and says, ‘What will this child become’. He’s the planet that will make sure that there are dreams and ambitions in your child’s life, that there will always be goals to achieve and dreams to chase. He will bring many adventures into your child’s life and will operate through your baby’s life, in 12 year cycles of expansion.
Saturn comes forward and says, ‘Where are the rules and consequences, I will be the teacher and the taskmaster’. Saturn is the anchor in your child’s life and the keeper of the rules of human behaviour. He’s the planet that will bring growth through learning and he’ll ensure that through life experiences that they grow into the human being they were destined to become. Saturn doesn’t ask that your child never makes mistakes, but that they learn from those mistakes. Saturn’s cycles are huge and last 30 years.
Uranus comes forward and says, ‘Where does this child belong in the world, I will show them’. Uranus is the first of the generational planets. He spends 7 years in one sign and everyone born within that 7 year period, will see life through the same Uranian influence.
Neptune comes forward and says, ‘What about the soul and the imagination, where is the desire for beauty, spirituality and the divine? I will show this child where to find these’. Neptune cycles are even longer and again, everyone born in one Neptune, era, which can last up to 10 years, will share the same philosophies.
Last of all, Pluto comes forward and says, ‘This child needs to be an individual, to forever fight against anything that contains and labels him or her. I will give the drive and obsession to break through boundaries and rebel against conformity’. This is an energy that inspires a generation and all children born in a 20 year span, share the same Pluto. This is rebellion against the parent’s way of life and the safety valve to ensure that Human Beings constantly evolve.
Your Cosmic Angel is stamped, with this unique Cosmic DNA and for the rest of their days, this is who they are.
But the planets don’t stop, they continue to orbit and as they do, they influence the planets in your child’s birth chart.
The first major cycle to complete, is your child’s first Solar Cycle. This is their first birthday. The Sun returns to the same position as it occupied when they were born. The Sun says -Hey, I know you kiddo, how’ve you been? What did you think of your first ride? Want to go around again?’ Your child’s reborn into a new solar year at this point and a whole new adventure begins. This will continue for the rest of their lives.
Venus and Mercury will begin their second cycles around the same time, give or take a few weeks. When Venus returns, so to will your child’s sense of what they like and don’t like. At around a year, your child will become fussier and know what it likes and doesn’t like. What you don’t see, is Venus. She arrives back and says to your child, ‘Remember me? I’m the one that says it’s okay to have whatever you want’. At which your child thinks, ’That’s right, I can too – MUMMMMMM I want!!’
Mercury returns at around the same time and it’s then that your baby’s brain becomes a lot smarter. Mercury returns and says, ‘You think you’ve learnt a lot on that cycle, wait till you see what I’ve got to show you on the next trip’. At this point your child’s thirst for knowledge increases and its hunger for learning.
At around 2 years of age, Mars returns and boy oh boy, you’ll know about this one. This is the reason behind the Terrible Two’s. Mars is that sense of adventure, danger and of battle. Your 2 year old is begging for a fight because he’s got so much Mars energy in his system, he needs somewhere to put it. Mars comes back, pumps that little body with his energy and whispers in your child’s ear, ‘Who do they think they are, they’re not the boss of you, you’re the boss of you!’.
These solar, Venus, Mercury and Mars cycles will continue throughout your child’s life, but the next major cycle comes when they’re 12 years of age. This is when all children will have their first ever Jupiter Return. This is when they get very inspired about their future and there is a sense of coming of age and growing up.
At around 13 to 15, Saturn is half way through his cycle, a cycle he won’t complete until your child is 29 years old. At its half way point, Saturn confronts your child and when he does, it looks, smells, tastes and feels to your child like the world is against them – welcome to the teenage years and teenage angst – but then, that’s a long way off for your Cosmic Angels.