VBAC At 46 Years Of Age is possible
I’m Rachel, and this is how l had a VBAC at 46 years old.
This picture was taken Saturday. That’s my 20 year old daughter cutting her baby sisters cord after assisting the delivery. She’s a third year midwifery student and my first born.
I fell pregnant naturally at 45, much to my surprise!! I have 4 children. 14,16,18 and 20. I found out at 19 weeks as I thought I was going through menopause 🙊
My first 3 births were easy, natural deliveries. My fourth was an emergency caesarean after being induced too early ( baby not engaged ). I had a cord prolapse at 5cms dilated. This birth would have been fine had I not been intervened with.
Given my age, a c-section was strongly advised.
This annoyed me because my pregnancy was as perfect as it could possibly be. Not one single complication, my previous births were text book and I knew I could do it again.
I was told that older women don’t labour as efficiently and because it had been 16 years since my last natural birth, my body wouldn’t respond the same BLAH BLAH!!
The doctor highlighted ALL of the risks associated with a VBAC, told me it was high risk to the baby and made me question my decision. I always stood my ground. She hesitantly agreed on an induction at 39 weeks…
At my 38 week appointment she said ( upon checking ) that the baby’s head was still mobile and the cervix posterior so I wasn’t a favourable candidate for an induction and booked a caesarean for 39+5
I agreed only because of my cord prolapse ( which is incredibly dangerous) and made it my mission to go into spontaneous labour before that date
Hospital called and tried to book the caesarean for 39+2. I said NO. I wanted more time…
On Saturday, the 14th of November ( due date 22nd ) Peggie Jean was born.
My labour was PERFECT. The birth was quick, easy and complication free.
VBAC success for this geriatric mumma 🙌🏻
There was no birth plan. To be honest, if Isabella hadn’t packed me a bag, I would have just rocked up with nothing. That’s kind of how I roll. If you have your heart set on a plan, you’ll more than likely be disappointed because childbirth is about as predictable as Melbourne weather. Actually so is life in general, I’ve definitely learned that. So. Armed with no plan (other than not giving birth in my car) , I started early labour around 6am on Saturday morning. Now for those that know my history, this childbirth gig happens ridiculously quickly for me. Like zero to a hundred in the blink of an eye. I was mindful of this, but it has been 16 years since I gave birth so I also knew this time may be different. From the onset it was clearly going to be a much slower progression which is exactly what I wanted. Time to ease into the process, time to get to hospital before the transitioning phase and enough time to spare my daughter the drama of a baby being born on the side of the road. Anyway, the day played out in the usual way. My first priority was washing off my 12 hour old spray tan and toning my hair. Can’t be labouring looking like a mess. I asked Paul to cook me breakfast because I knew it would be my last supper. Will asked if I was having the baby and I said yes. His response was, “Oh. Can I still go to the oval and build a tree house?” That he did. Paul went with him as this isn’t his first rodeo either and he knew we plenty of time even though he was showered and ready, excited as a hyperactive puppy. Bella and I were a little impatient because my contractions were pathetic and inconsistent. 10 minutes, 7 minutes, 20 minutes. They had zero grunt and I knew they were about as pathetic as a mild period pain. I chatted though them, entertained a visitor, did some mundane housework, blow dryed my hair, that type of thing. Then I had a ‘show’. That was a good sign that things were happening irrespective of the snail pace. I saved the loo paper ( as you do ) and asked molly to get Bella. When she saw the paper on the toilet floor she screwed up her face and said, “That’s disgusting” I decided to have a sleep. I knew I would need as much energy as possible , especially at ‘my age’ Olivia had to go to work at Coles. She asked me not to have the baby before she finished. I honoured her request by 6 minutes #mumlife Fast forward to 3pm. Contractions started feeling a little more like they had the ability to dilate a cervix. Good sign. I hid a few from the kids and even snuck a few in without telling Bella. Didn’t want her loading me into the car too soon By 3.30, this girl knew it was time to go. Consistent, 5 minute apart breathable contractions that I knew I could comfortably handle squashed in the back of my Audi. To be honest, I thought I had more time up my sleeve but wanted to be safe. The doctor had instructed me to go at 10 minutes apart ( again, a geriatric thing ) so I met her halfway haha. I’m the boss of this gig after all Arrived in my floral frock with my mimco baby bag, my new white roll along case and my fresh blow wave. I totally got this. Saying goodbye to hubby was tough. I knew it would kill him to watch us walk away, and it did… Enter birth suite not really looking like a woman in labour. Just wandered in editing my video because content is always priority The young midwife put the monitor on me and made a quick exit. She smiled at me that you’ve got hours to go smile on her way out. I knew different but didn’t wanna be all know it all like… Contractions continued to show some strength but nothing unbearable. On her return midwife asked if I had thought about pain relief. Now see this comes under the planning thing, so know, I hadn’t. “Watcha got that’s not too strong?”, I asked. “How about some gas?”, was her response. I know it’s not much chop but I accepted it as a welcome distraction. About half an hour later I had this contraction that was the deal breaker. I could feel the baby coming and I made a little fuss. She asked if I had a cramp in my leg. NO THE BABY IS COMING!!! She goes to get midwife number 2, who clearly knew her stuff. Upon checking she announced that next contraction, it was game on. She showed Isabella the bulging membranes still in tact ( lucky for this GBS positive girl with no time for antibiotics now ) Midwife one clearly thought she had hours to get that drip in. Silly little sausage. The gas at this time was life. I sucked on it like a crazy woman. Jesus, I should have asked for some good gear! Idiot. Midwife 2 asked if I wanted her to break my waters. I sounded all expert when I said just leave them, that will happen as they baby comes out. Bella said they were dodging water bullets for a bit but that just part of the job, A couple of pushes and baby’s head was out. In between the next contraction, I told Bella to get some gloves on. You’re not here to just stand around. It’s time to deliver your sister. And so she did. Peggie Jean was caught by her big sis at 5.06pm…. Isabella’s first words were, VBAC success! You did it! Mine were thank fuck for that. The end. And the beginning
For more information on VBAC births read other BellyBelly’s articles ;
Vaginal Birth After C-Section (VBAC)