A flight attendant has been hailed a hero for breastfeeding a passenger’s baby on her flight.
Patrisha Organo, a 24-year-old flight attendant, has gone viral for breastfeeding another woman’s hungry baby during a flight in the Philippines.
The baby was crying hysterically after take-off on the early-morning flight.
The baby’s mother had run out of formula milk. Knowing there was none available on the plane, kind-hearted Organo approached the mum and offered to help.
Flight Attendant Praised For Breastfeeding A Passenger’s Baby
Any parent knows only too well how horrible it is to hear your baby crying in distress.
It’s even worse when there’s nothing you can do to help.
Most parents find that stressful enough at home, let alone on a flight and surrounded by strangers.
Luckily for the mum in question, help was at hand.
The mum explained she’d been stuck at the airport since 9 o’clock the previous night.
As a result, she had run out of formula milk for her hungry baby.
With a nine-month-old baby at home, Organo knew only too well how distraught the mum was feeling listening to her baby’s cries.
She decided to help out in the only way she could.
This is what amazing mothers do.
After the experience, Organo shared a photograph to her Facebook page where she wrote:
“I thought to myself, there was only one thing I could offer and that was my own milk. And so I offered … The baby started rooting, she was so hungry. I saw the relief in her mother’s eyes, and I continued to feed the baby until she fell asleep. I escorted her back to her seat and just before I left, the mother sincerely thanked me”.
Unsurprisingly, this heartwarming tale of mums helping each other out has gone viral and attracted love from around the globe.
Organo’s post has been shared 34,000 times, attracting 164k reactions from people across the world.
Strangers have commented, expressing their admiration and support for Organo’s selfless act.
In an interview with Yahoo Lifestyle, Organo explained breastfeeding hadn’t always been easy for her.
She told Yahoo’s Kristine Solomon:
“In my early days of breastfeeding, I would really have liked to give up, but because I had the strong support of my husband, I kept going. He kept encouraging me. It was a storm of emotion and without my husband’s support, I could never have done it.”
Organo has since been promoted.
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