Many couples wonder whether they can determine the gender of their baby before conception. If you’re longing for a son, you might be looking for ways to improve your chances of having a baby boy.
In this article, we’ll focus on whether diet can influence the gender of your baby and what possible foods to eat to conceive a boy. There are, of course, other considerations, too, such as the timing, your cycle and initmate positions.
Be sure to read our in-depth article How To Conceive A Boy | 6 Expert Tips to Have A Baby Boy for more information.
What are the chances of having a boy?
People often think that because there are two possibilities – having either a boy or a girl – they have a 50% chance of having a boy. In reality, it’s more complicated than that. The sex ratio is 105 male births for every 100 female births, so statistically, 51% of babies are boys.
How to conceive a boy?
Sex determination comes down to which sperm fertilizes the egg. If the sperm carries a Y chromosome, the baby will be male. If the sperm has an X chromosome, the baby will be female.
Male-producing sperm move faster but run out of energy sooner, and this is why you should have sex close to the time of ovulation if you’re hoping for a boy.
Female-producing sperm can lurk for days waiting for an egg to appear; they move more slowly but have energy for longer.
Apart from timing sex to coincide with ovulation, is there anything else you can do to increase your chances of having a boy?
Foods to eat when trying to conceive a boy
If you’re desperate for a son, you might be wondering whether you can determine your baby’s sex by changing your diet before conception.
One theory you might have heard is that an alkaline body is more likely to conceive a boy. As a result, some people change their diet to eat more alkaline foods when trying for a baby.
There are plenty of people who will say it worked for them, but there is little scientific proof to back up this theory. Keep reading to find out which foods are considered more alkaline. While there’s little evidence to back it up, there’s no harm in adding fresh fruits and veggies to your diet.
Alkaline foods for conceiving a boy
If you’re interested in increasing your intake of high alkaline foods, you should:
Increase your intake of fresh fruits
There’s no harm in trying this. Increasing your daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables will benefit your health. Try to eat a mix of fruits and vegetables each day. A popular way to do this is to ‘eat a rainbow’ and make sure you’re eating fresh fruits and veggies in a combination of colours every day. Leafy greens are essential to health, so include a good mix of these in your weekly shop.
Increase your intake of high-potassium foods
High potassium foods might increase your chances of conceiving a boy. Potassium is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in your health. Bananas, salmon, and avocado are all foods that contain potassium. Other foods that contain potassium include dried fruits, legumes, potatoes, winter squash, and broccoli.
Increase your intake of high alkaline foods
High alkaline foods are good for your health; increasing the amount of these foods in your diet could improve your health. High alkaline foods include citrus fruits, root vegetables and nuts. Leafy greens, such as Swiss chard, spinach, and kale are also excellent alkaline foods. You should aim to eat a serving of leafy greens every day.
Reduce your intake of dairy products
‘Boy’ sperm are said to do better in an alkaline environment, although this is not scientifically proved. For this reason, some people choose to avoid acidic foods such as dairy products when they are trying for a boy.
The science of dietary changes to conceive a boy
It is an old wives’ tale that the food you eat before conception can determine the sex of your child. Now, at last, science is catching up. Although some claims have been disproved, others are true.
Research for the Universities of Exeter and Oxford found that a baby’s sex is connected to the mother’s diet. The study found a link between high-calorie intake around the time of conception and the birth of boys.
The study followed 740 first-time pregnant mothers who did not know the sex of their babies. They were asked about their eating habits before and during the early stages of pregnancy. They were then split into three groups, based on their calorie intake per day around the time of conception. Women who consumed the most calories were more likely to have sons. For example, 56% of the women in the highest calorie group had sons, compared with 45% in the lowest calorie group.
The women in the higher calorie group consumed more calories and also consumed a wider range of nutrients, including potassium, calcium, and sodium. Researchers also found a strong link between eating breakfast cereals and producing sons.
What foods should I eat to conceive a boy?
According to the scientific research mentioned above, you should eat breakfast cereals and a make sure your diet is rich in healthy nutrients, such as potassium and calcium.
Fresh fruit and vegetables
You should focus on eating a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and leafy greens if you want to conceive a boy. A diet rich in nutrients will help prepare your body for pregnancy. Try to eat a variety of vegetables and fruits throughout the week. Cooking from scratch is an easy way to include more fresh vegetables in your diet.
Leafy greens
Make a habit of including leafy greens with your evening meal. This could be in the form of wilted spinach in a curry, a side of kale alongside your mashed potatoes or some pak choi in your stir fry.
Breakfast cereals
According to research, women who regularly ate breakfast cereal had a higher chance of giving birth to baby boys. You might want to include a bowl of cereal in your daily routine if you’re keen to welcome a son.
Skipping breakfast is a bad habit shared by many young professionals. Adding breakfast into your day is an easy way to increase your calorie intake and, according to the research, improve your chances of having a bouncing baby boy.
Best foods to eat to conceive a boy
Struggling for inspiration? Take a look at this list of foods to enjoy while trying for a son. You don’t need to eat everything on the list, but including some of these options will help you have a balanced healthy diet rich in alkaline foods:
Avocado smash
Avocado is an alkaline food that tastes wonderful with breakfast. Smash up some avocado and add some salt and perhaps a squeeze of lime. You could serve it with fresh vegetable crudites for a snack or on the side of a big breakfast.
Since the science backs it up, you can’t go wrong with a banana. This is an ideal snack to keep handy when you’re hoping to conceive a baby boy. You could chop up a banana to add to a spicy curry or add slices to your morning bowl of porridge.
Winter vegetable soup
Root vegetables are alkaline foods, and a winter vegetable soup is a perfect way to enjoy a variety of them. Winter squash, potatoes, carrots, and other root vegetables will taste delicious in a steaming bowl of winter vegetable soup. Add some lentils for extra goodness and don’t forget to include some chopped cabbage or kale to boost your leafy greens intake.
Vegetable stir fry
A stir fry is another easy way to include mixed vegetables in your diet. Throw some mushrooms, peppers, mange-touts, bean sprouts, and other vegetables into a wok and heat with some oil. Add a satay sauce and some cashew nuts to give this meal a delicious flavor. Don’t forget to include leafy greens like pak choi in your stir fry. A sprinkle of sesame seeds will top it off nicely.
Supplements to conceive a baby boy
Taking daily supplements could help your body prepare to conceive a baby boy. For example, evening primrose oil improves the quality of cervical mucus, making it easier for sperm to reach the egg. Boy sperm move more quickly, so a smoother journey to the egg could help them get there faster.
When trying to conceive a baby, it is essential to take a folic acid supplement. Folic acid is vital during the early stages of pregnancy, so you should start taking it in advance to ensure you have enough of this essential vitamin.
Foods for a man to eat to conceive a boy
It’s not all about what the woman does; the male partner can influence the sex of the child, too.
Can the father’s diet around conception determine the sex of the baby? Many people swear by maternal dietary changes around conception for helping them conceive sons, but there are few stories about the impact of paternal diet. Science tells us that a healthy lifestyle improves sperm production, but can it determine the sex of your baby?
Although little is known about the impact of paternal diet on the sex of the baby, it won’t hurt to eat well when trying for a baby. Taking care of yourself and eating well can be beneficial for you and your sperm production.
Here are some foods to consider adding to your diet when trying for a baby:
Foods high in zinc
Zinc has been found to improve male fertility by increasing semen volume. Foods high in zinc include oysters, beef, dairy, nuts, and whole grains.
A variety of fresh fruit and vegetables
Eating a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables can increase sperm count and improve sperm quality.
Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds can improve the quality of sperm. Nuts and seeds contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to improve sperm quality.
Other things men can do
It’s not all about the food you eat; there are other things men can do to conceive a boy:
Wear loose underwear
Looser underwear is said to improve your chances of conceiving a boy. This is because tight underwear increases the temperature in the scrotum and reduces the number of sperm produced.
Female sperm (X chromosome sperm) are more resilient and are said to have a better chance of surviving the higher temperatures. Opt for loose, airy boxer shorts if you’re hoping for a son.
Make sure she orgasms
If the woman orgasms, this could improve your chances of conceiving a boy. Some claim that an alkaline solution is secreted into the vagina during a female orgasm. This alkaline solution is said to improve the chances of male-producing sperm surviving. Therefore, to time it perfectly, she should orgasm before you do, so the alkaline secretion is there before the semen.
How to have a baby boy 100%
There is no way to guarantee you have a boy through diet alone. The only way to be sure you have a boy is to have scientists select an embryo for you, based on sex; this method is illegal in some countries.
Some believe you can influence the sex of your baby by paying attention to the time of ovulation. Male-producing sperm swim faster and tire sooner, so sex needs to happen around the time of ovulation for boy sperm to be successful.
It’s also said that deep penetration can help y-carrying sperm to reach their destination faster. Depositing the sperm as close to the cervix as possible can also improve the chance of a ‘male’ sperm fertilizing the egg. Positions that encourage deep penetration include doggy-style and standing. It also helps if the woman orgasms.
The most important thing to remember when trying to conceive a boy
The most important thing is to have a healthy baby. You might be desperate to welcome a baby of a particular sex, but it’s important to bear in mind that you cannot simply pick a baby’s gender.
Although there is no harm in trying the above suggestions in the hope of improving your chances of welcoming a baby boy, it’s essential to realize that there are no guarantees.