No matter if you’re a man or a woman, an orgasm certainly feels great and is very beneficial for emotional and physical wellbeing.
However, although a woman’s orgasm is not essential for conception to occur, many people wonder if the female orgasm actually has a role to play as far as conception goes and the chances of a woman’s orgasm increase pregnancy.
How does an orgasm increase pregnancy?
What is the involvement of the female orgasm in conception? Here a 3 points on how female orgasm increase pregnancy chances;
#1: Female orgasm as sperm transport
Following intercourse, male ejaculation happens in the female reproductive tract at the highest part of the vaginal canal, where the cervix sits. This happens because it’s easier for sperm retention as the semen pools in the posterior fornix of the vaginal canal. The shape of the vaginal fornix is designed to retain sperm so it’s close to the cervix. There’s no need for accessibility guidelines for those swimmers if they’re left at the entrance with a wide-open door.
Once sperm retention happens at the entrance of the cervix, the cervical mucus will help the sperm travel up through the cervical canal on their way to meet the egg. This journey will be very positively influenced by the female orgasm.
The ‘upsuck theory’ is popular among some experts, who believe that uterine contractions resulting from a woman’s orgasm actually assist the sperm’s journey to the egg. The upsuck theory is about the orgasmic contractions getting the sperm higher up in the uterus, and up to the tubes, to bring the sperm closer to the egg.
The upsuck theory has been proved correct by research. It shows how some absorbable particles deliberately left in the posterior fornix of the vagina appeared to have travelled as far as the uterine tubes following the woman’s orgasm.
It was once believed that only human women had a clitoris, and that its only function was to provide sexual pleasure. It has been discovered recently that most female mammals have a clitoris and that clitoral stimulation in female mammals, during intercourse, is very common animal behaviour. Although more studies need to be carried out on this subject, it seems wise to assume that female orgasms play an important role in fertility and reproduction.
Certain sex positions might also help to increase your chances of getting pregnant, due to the anatomy of the reproductive tract. Some sex positions will help with sperm retention or will facilitate more sperm to travel up the cervix, aided by the cervical mucus.
The idea of the sperm traveling fast to see which one reaches the egg first is a very patriarchal approach to how conception occurs. Research done over many decades has proved that it’s actually the egg that chooses the sperm that fertilizes it. Investigations are being carried out to learn more about the relevance of the female orgasm in achieving pregnancy more easily.
#2: Female orgasm as hormonal boost
A woman’s orgasm boost her chances of getting pregnant in more ways than you can imagine.
Oxytocin is the number one hormone involved in a successful and rich sexual life. Human beings secrete oxytocin in all their sexual experiences, whether it is intercourse, giving birth, or breastfeeding their children but we also secrete this hormone whenever we feel well and loved – for example, when we’re having a meal or a good time with friends.
From sexual intercourse to breastfeeding and raising our children, the presence of oxytocin plays a very important role in sex and in leading a pleasurable life. The more of this hormone that is produced, the better. Orgasm is the life experience where oxytocin release is second highest. If you’re wondering which experience produces the most oxytocin, it’s giving birth naturally (and the hour following this event).
Female orgasms are therefore very important for those women who are trying to conceive. When the oxytocin hormone production is high, the chances of conception increase considerably. Research shows that pregnancy rates increase in those women who orgasm frequently.
All the orgasms a woman has before getting pregnant will help her conceive more easily.
#3: Female orgasm as a reproductive call
“There are several benefits of female orgasm that assist with conception – specifically the increased blood supply and hormone production, which increase the chances of pregnancy. An embryo needs a blood supply to live. How do you get blood flow into the pelvis?
Sex and orgasm during which, the hormones oxytocin and prostaglandin are released to assist implantation further. We also know that orgasm helps to regulate the menstrual cycle in much the same way and sperm might actually help trigger ovulation. The female reproductive system might release an egg in the presence of viable sperm.
A woman’s orgasm can actually help women conceive as everything is focused on the miracle of conception. For any beings, human beings included, their biological purpose in life is to reproduce. Leaving offspring behind is the ultimate function of pleasurable sex and orgasms.
When a woman reaches orgasm her body understands she’s having sex. It can only hope she’s part of a heterosexual couple and male ejaculation has taken place or is about to happen. When a female orgasm occurs the female body could have started the process of getting pregnant but is there a follicle ready to release an egg? The uterine contractions that orgasm boosted might trigger ovulation to happen while at the same time might propel sperm closer to the egg to increase the chances of conception.
Additional ways to increase your chances of conception
Other ways you can increase your chances of conception include charting your cycle, observing your cervical mucus, and having sex – meaningful sex – on your most fertile days.
It is very important to be conscious of maintaining connection and intimacy in your relationship. Avoid turning loving, nurturing sex into baby-making sex. Be informed, but don’t let your cycle rule your sex life or it will no doubt become stressful and build resentment, which is a very effective contraceptive. Raw animal behaviour is best for sex, especially if you’re trying to conceive. So let your instinct lead, relax, and, above all, enjoy it.
Although female orgasm is important and increases the chances of conception, make sure you’re both looking for ways to connect with each other in a loving way on a daily basis. Too much pressure to orgasm or perform can result in no one having an orgasm at all and the last thing you want is to put up a brick wall between you.
Fertility is more about connection at a deep level than about mechanical sex.
Does female masturbation increase fertility?
After following all the information you’ve just read, you’ll probably know that the answer to this question is a positive one.
A healthy sex life doesn’t always have to be about making babies. For fertile women, reaching orgasm many times helps with their fertility. A woman who has a high orgasm rate has a body ready for conception.
The uterine peristalsis (contractions and movements of the uterus), the hormonal flow and the increased blood flow that frequent orgasms produce will greatly increase a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant.
When you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s always a good idea, when ejaculation has occurred, that you also reach orgasm. Talk to your partner about how important this is when you’re trying to conceive. It’s important for your reproductive health that you reach orgasm – by masturbation or oral sex – when semen, therefore lots of sperm, is in your vaginal canal. Even if you’re not trying to get pregnant, having an orgasm is very important for your sexual health. If you’re having problems reaching orgasm, make sure you talk to your health care provider about it.
Does female masturbation affect ovulation?
Masturbation can only aid the right flow of hormones.
Having oxytocin flowing in your body in big quantities helps your sexuality reach its optimal potential. We have to understand that masturbation is just for pleasure and the woman does it because she really wants to. Anything forced, like timed sexual intercourse or reaching orgasm every time sperm visits your vagina, will not help you conceive.
Sex, oxytocin, hormones, and love need to flow freely. When making a baby is at stake, any unwelcome pressure changes the normal flow we’re so much trying to achieve.
If you masturbate, especially around ovulation, make sure you use water-based lubricants as they don’t interfere with sperm health.
Does abstinence increase chances of pregnancy?
Sexual activity is really good for our health – not only when we’re trying to conceive but in general. Oxytocin flowing through our bodies makes us feel good. We know how well we feel after an oxytocin orgasm boost.
Abstinence is good for conception only if it’s part of a sexual game between both partners. To avoid sexual intercourse could decrease fertility instead of helping you with conception.
If you’re trying to conceive is to connect, my advice is to follow your sexual impulses and welcome this time to increase intimacy with your partner.
Can an orgasm cause a miscarriage?
Orgasms are healthy! There isn’t any pathology associated with male or female orgasms. Reproductive medicine takes care of both male and female reproductive conditions.
If you’re pregnant and you bleed after having sexual intercourse it’s very unlikely that the blood has come from inside the uterus; once pregnancy is achieved, the cervical orifice is blocked by a cervical mucus plug.
Bleeding following intercourse is usually associated with a small rupture of a capillary blood vessel, and probably caused by friction or rough sexual activity. However, if you suspect you’re pregnant and you see fresh blood coming out of your vagina, contact your midwife or your ob-gyn doctor who will be able to provide advice about the steps to follow.
If the bleeding has been caused just by rough sex you might want to read Pregnancy Sex Positions – 7 Ideas For Pregnant Couples.
If a woman starts to bleed after sex and the bleeding is caused by a miscarriage, the orgasm cannot be blamed for causing the miscarriage. In fact, female orgasms nurture the uterus and the baby even more. Uterine contractions caused by the female orgasm might start to expel the baby but the miscarriage was already happening. Please believe me when I tell you it’s completely unrelated to your sexual activity.
There is nothing we can do to prevent a miscarriage from happening and refraining from pleasurable sexual activity will certainly not help prevent it. Of course, if there is a threatened miscarriage and you’ve been advised to rest, you must refrain from any sexual activity.
Why am I not getting pregnant even though I’m ovulating?
Knowing your menstrual cycle and being aware of your ovulation is a very good form of self-care. Many women can actually feel when they ovulate. Some can also feel their dominant ovary from which ovulation has occurred.
Although ovulation is definitely necessary for pregnancy to happen, it’s not the only thing that needs to happen for conception to take place.
Getting pregnant might be more difficult for some women, even when ovulation takes place. There can be a problem with her fallopian tubes, or even just one fallopian tube could be the cause of her infertility. Women usually tend to blame themselves when they can’t become pregnant after a few months of trying. If there’s a fertility problem, it could be in both partners.
Alternatively, just one partner could have a problem while the other is perfectly fertile. Sometimes the cause of infertility is not in the woman but in her partner. There might be a problem with his semen, ejaculation, or sperm counts.
If you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a few months without success, it might be a good idea to talk to your health care provider, who will then be able to refer you to a fertility expert to find out what the problem is and help you conceive a baby.
For the vast majority of couples who are struggling with fertility, there isn’t a physical impediment. Finding the right professional will put you both on the right track to optimize your fertility and conceive that so much wanted baby in no time.
Where there isn’t a physical impediment in either partner to achieving a pregnancy, applied psychology is usually the number 1 treatment. Getting pregnant might prove more difficult than expected, especially if sex becomes a controlled baby-making activity.
Recommended course and reading for all things fertility
Here is our most recommended natural fertility course. It will walk you through the most important and relevant points and help you achieve pregnancy in a natural way. The course was developed by two partners: a midwife and a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine and naturopathy.
You will definitely be able to optimize your fertility – and your partner’s – to get a natural pregnancy, provided there’s no physical impediment, which in most cases there isn’t.
‘After so many years working with couples who struggle with infertility we’ve found out that most fertility treatments fail in their approach. Developing this course has helped many couples understand why they are the only barrier that stops them from having a so desired baby.”
Below are some books recommended for those wanting to know more about taking control of their own fertility. Many of these books also rate very highly with BellyBelly forum members. Make sure you have one in your library!
1. Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler
For any woman unhappy with her current method of birth control, demoralized by her quest to have a baby, or experiencing confusing symptoms in her cycle, this book provides answers to all these questions, plus amazing insights into a woman’s body. Weschler thoroughly explains the empowering Fertility Awareness Method.
2. Plan to Get Pregnant: 10 Steps to Maximum Fertility by Zita West
Other books from Zita West include:
- Zita West’s Guide to Getting Pregnant
- Fertility and Conception: A Complete Guide to Getting Pregnant
- Zita West’s Guide to Fertility and Assisted Conception.
3. Natural Fertility: The Complete Guide to Avoiding or Achieving Conception by Francesca Naish
You can purchase these books from:
- The Book Depository (which offers great prices and free shipping worldwide)
- Amazon.