Dear mama/mama-to-be of a boy,
Maybe you always wanted a son.
Or maybe you mourned during your ultrasound for the tea parties, ribbons and pink tutus that wouldn’t be.
Maybe you were content with either gender, so long as your baby came earth side.
Whatever you felt, whatever you feel, I want to tell you that you’re in for lots of special treats as the mama of a boy.
I didn’t hope for a girl or a boy at my first ultrasound. And by my third pregnancy, I was relieved to find out we’d have another son. My eldest was only five at the time, but I already saw some of the special things you can only experience with having a son.
Then boy number four came along and I was still overjoyed, because there’s just something sweet about a son.
The Wonderful Things That Lie Ahead For Mamas Of Boys
From the honest, bottom of my heart, I’m going to share with you the beautiful things you have to look forward to as a mama to a little man.
When You Have A Baby Boy:
You’ll love that he wants you most. That you’re his safe and special spot.
He’ll inspire you to be the biggest cheerleader as you lay on the floor encouraging him to roll.
When he splashes like a maniac in the bubble bath, you’ll melt with his deep belly laughs.
You’ll watch him eventually crawl away, but always crawl back to you for reassurance. He’ll bury his head on your shoulder, just like when he was a newborn, in between his sprint crawling sessions.
The bow ties and ties. You may not get the hair bows and ponytails…but the bow ties are oh so special. And the mini suspenders. Is there anything cuter?
And you’ll love that he still wants you most.
When You Have A Toddler Boy:
Your heart might break as he races to the door for dad’s return. But when he’s tired, when he bumps his knee perfecting his walk, you’ll love that he wants you most. You’ll love that you’re his safe and special spot.
When he jumps from the couch, when he tries to climb the shelf, you’ll be inspired to face life without fear. To take the risks because the gained adventure is so worth it.
When he falls trying to kick the ball and he jumps right up to try again; when he keeps trying and trying to fit that puzzle piece and doesn’t give up until he succeeds; you’ll be inspired to always get up, to never quit, to push until you succeed.
When he’s sad, when he’s tired, when he fights his first fever, your heart will be sad that he’s sad, but you’ll love that he still wants you most.
When You Have A Boy Preschooler:
You’ll love that you runs to hug you after preschool/nursery.
The Christmas and Mothers’ Day crafts will melt your heart.
You’ll be in awe of the little man he’s becoming as he talks about his preschool friends. Or you’ll laugh at how you have to try and pry information from him, like he’s already a stereotypical guy.
You’ll cringe at his potty jokes. Then you’ll giggle when they’re said at the perfect time to cut the adult seriousness of life.
His sheer amount of energy and wonder will inspire you to take a pause from chores and visit the park.
He’ll demonstrate his love for you and his role as protector by playing ninja and keeping the bad guys from coming anywhere near you.
When he’s fighting his first tummy bug caught from preschool, he’ll climb into your lap and burry his head on your shoulder. And it will remind you that you’re still his favorite place, and his heart still wants you most.
When You Have A School Boy:
You’ll be his biggest cheerleader on the soccer field. And your heart will melt when you see his gentle demeanor as he takes an interest in art. You’ll be in awe of his wonder as he reads his first science fiction novel.
You’ll continue to cringe at his potty jokes but you’ll also try not to laugh while reminding him of appropriate behaviour. However cringe worthy, you’ll also have an awe of his goofiness and sense of humor. He’ll remind you to not take life too seriously.
Your heart will melt when you find he took the time to stick something in your Christmas stocking, especially when it’s ‘just’ a drawing.
His sense of calm when you sit nearby, quietly, as he enjoys his favorite show, will remind you how it takes such a small gesture to remind them you care.
And when he comes to you for an unsolicited hug, though less often now, you’ll be reminded that in his heart, he still wants you most.
When You Have A Young Adult:
You get to always be his biggest cheerleader. From his favorite sport or activity, to encouraging his future career goals. Even if he asks you to be just a bit quieter, he really loves your reassurance.
When he helps you carry in the groceries (even with the occasional murmur) you’ll be in awe of your little boy starting to resemble a man.
When your family is over for a holiday meal and you see him use all of his manners, your heart will melt knowing that perhaps he actually listened to all of your manner lessons…even if it’s only reserved for company.
When he says ‘I love you’ your heart will melt knowing that even if he doesn’t show it quite as much, in his heart, you’re still his favorite, even if for just a bit longer.
When Your Son Is A Man:
You may not get to be the mother of the bride. But is there really anything comparable to a mother son dance?
Whether he marries or not, you’re likely soon to give up being the one he wants most …but anyone that held that title, has a forever special place in his heart. And while it may hurt to pass the title along, your heart will still be happy knowing you taught him how to treat someone as the one he wants most. As his safe and special spot.
My eldest isn’t a young man or man yet. You might notice the lists got shorter. But these are things I look forward to, and also things I know will be hard. Motherhood isn’t always easy, boys can sure keep you on your toes too. But you get to be the one he wants most, for however long, in such a special way.
Recommended Reading: 10 Great Things About Having A Baby Boy.