Not quite, but you’re getting close! You’re 25 weeks pregnant!
At this point, you’re enjoying the amazing changes your wonderful body produces on a daily basis.
Your baby is growing in leaps and bounds.
Let’s find out what you can expect this week.
How many months are 25 weeks pregnant?
At 25 weeks you are six months pregnant and in your second trimester.
Is 25 weeks the 3rd trimester?
The third trimester starts at week 28 when you’re 7 months pregnant.
Until then, you’re still in your second trimester.
25 weeks pregnant belly
By the time you reach 25 weeks pregnant, your uterus is the size of a soccer ball. There’ll be plenty of aches and pains as your body ligaments stretch to accommodate your growing bump.
You’ll notice more stress on your joints, and some cramps and backache. Regular exercise and plenty of sleep can help reduce discomfort. Make time each day to relax and unwind with your feet up. Ask your partner to give you a light massage.
Your growing baby bump is getting a little more crowded now. This means the return of things like indigestion, frequent trips to the loo, and possibly nausea.
Try to take things gently when you move about. Your center of gravity is shifting to accommodate your growing bump.
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25 weeks pregnant ultrasound
It’s likely you have had a scan, somewhere between 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. This is the morphology scan that checks for fetal abnormality and growth.
If this scan was all normal there is really no need to have another scan at this time. Do your research, and speak to your trusted healthcare provider to assess whether or not you really need to have a scan.
It isn’t advised to have ultrasounds unless completely necessary. There are risks as well as benefits for ultrasounds and you must be aware of them.
Unfortunately, many unnecessary scans are done without informed consent. This can lead to an intervention that isn’t required, especially as ultrasound isn’t always accurate for the weight and size of the baby.
25 weeks pregnancy symptoms
When you hit pregnancy week 25, you’ll notice some changes and experience symptoms that might be uncomfortable but are normal during this period.
Symptoms include:
- Increased urge to urinate, as your baby puts more pressure on your bladder
- Leg cramps
- Constipation
- Trouble sleeping
- Heart palpitations, due to higher blood volume.
Your baby’s extra weight and the hormonal changes you are experiencing can cause back pain. Having a pregnancy massage will help.
Some women find a firm mattress, and pillows to support their bump, also help make them feel more comfortable in bed.
25 weeks pregnant your body
You’re probably really enjoying how fast your nails and hair are growing at 25 weeks pregnant. In fact, your hair might even have grown thicker as well, due to pregnancy hormones.
Be prepared, though; some women notice hair loss after the baby is born. Don’t panic if you see clumps of hair falling out a couple of weeks after the baby arrives. It shouldn’t be significant enough for others to notice.
It’ll more likely be just some shedding of hair, and a return to your hair’s normal thickness – like it was before pregnancy. Remember those early days of frequent trips to the toilet? All that space your baby is taking up means your bladder is getting squished, again.
Constipation at 25 weeks pregnant
At 25 weeks pregnant, your digestion system is likely to have slowed down. And this might mean constipation is a problem. To avoid backed-up bowels, make sure you drink plenty of water and keep up your intake of vegetables.
Don’t strain when you go to the toilet either. The pressure on blood vessels makes you more susceptible to varicose veins. Straining when you go to the toilet also means you’re more likely to experience piles or haemorrhoids – swollen veins around your rectum that feel like lumps.
Be sure to read Constipation During Pregnancy – 11 Tips For Relief for more information.
Your doctor or midwife can also provide advice.
25 weeks pregnant weight gain
Now you’re 25 weeks pregnant and in your second trimester, you’ll be gaining between 226 and 453 grams of weight each week. The weight gain will remain steady until the end of your pregnancy.
In the last few weeks, it might even increase a bit. You’re probably quite hungry these days, as your baby is growing fast. If your appetite is not satisfied, and you are wondering why it’s important to look at what you are eating.
Stick to a healthy, nutritious diet rather than highly processed sugary treats. Your baby’s health and growth depend on you making good food choices.
What you eat also affects your own health.
To prevent heartburn and indigestion, try to avoid rich foods. If you have heartburn or indigestion, try over-the-counter antacids, in consultation with your doctor or pharmacist.
Although it seems unfair you can’t enjoy your favourite takeaway or fizzy drinks, the bonus is not having to deal with reflux for hours afterward.
Most women find they need to avoid fatty and spicy food, caffeine, chocolate, and acidic foods such as citrus fruits when they’re pregnant Recent research has shown that lifestyle choices significantly affect your likelihood of being diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
Exercises like swimming, yoga, and walking are great low-impact activities to keep your weight down and help with fitness at the time of birth.
Gestational diabetes at 25 weeks pregnant
Pregnant women are offered a glucose tolerance test between weeks 26 and 28. It’s important to have information about this glucose screening test. Sugars and grains are two main contributors to insulin resistance. Make sure you take a moment to read Dr. Orr’s article on Gestational Diabetes.
Eat plenty of nutritionally dense foods, including:
- Leafy greens
- Vegetables in a range of colours
- Nuts and seeds
- Healthy fats (avocado, virgin coconut oil, eggs, and chia seeds)
- Lean protein, such as fish and grass-fed beef.
Avoid foods with nutritionally empty calories, which are commonly found in processed products. High fibre (from vegetables, not cereals) and a high protein diet will help you to feel full on fewer calories. Discuss with your midwife how to improve your diet.
Need some ideas? Here are 13 Delicious and Healthy Breakfast Ideas.
Birthing classes
If you haven’t done it already, it’s time to register for your birthing classes, if you plan to take them. It will be time to start classes before you know it. At your next appointment, let your healthcare provider or doctor know about your wishes in terms of classes.
You must start early enough to finish your class a few weeks before your due date – just in case the baby makes an early arrival. It’s also a good idea because leaving your class until later in your pregnancy means you’ll be tired and over it, and less likely to take in the important information.
BellyBelly highly recommends choosing independent birth education classes over hospital classes, for many reasons.
The main reason is you will get so much more out of them than you will from hospital-based classes.
25 weeks pregnant your baby
Your baby’s development at 25 weeks pregnant is about preparing for life outside the uterus.
Slowly, baby fat is being added all over and your baby will lose his wrinkly appearance.
The brain, lungs, and digestive system will be fully developed within the upcoming weeks. Your baby is also gaining weight and getting stronger.
The nostrils and nose are beginning to open up, allowing your baby to take practice breaths. There’s no air in there, so your baby is ‘breathing’ amniotic fluid. Your baby is also developing a startle reflex. It is also called the Moro reflex and will be present until around 3 to 4 months after birth.
When babies hear a loud noise, feel sudden movement, or feel like they’re falling, they will respond in a certain way. Usually, they extend arms and legs out, then curl back in. You’re feeling much stronger kicks and punches now, too.
Your baby has periods of waking and sleeping, and these are probably becoming pretty obvious to you. You are sure to notice when you’ve woken baby up.
It’s time for you and your partner to sing and talk to your little one, so he can get used to your voice.
What does my baby look like at 25 weeks in the womb?
Baby’s skin is still thin and wrinkled but is starting to plump out. Fat is starting to accumulate under the skin; this will keep your baby warm after birth. The skin is starting to turn pink, which is due to small blood vessels, called capillaries, forming under the skin and filling with blood.
If you could see inside, you’d notice your baby is also growing quite a bit more hair.
What position is the baby in at 25 weeks?
Your baby at 25 weeks has developed a sense of equilibrium. This means he can tell which way is up and which way is down.
Your baby has plenty of room to swim around and can flip to any position he likes. It is advantageous, however, to have the baby’s head down in an anterior position at birth time. You have plenty of time to work on encouraging this position, so don’t worry if the baby isn’t already head down.
Some tips that might help your body in pregnancy, and with positioning:
- Optimal fetal positioning with Spinning Babies
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic care
- Relaxation – let that oxytocin flow
More information here: Optimal Fetal Positioning – How To Make Birth Easier
Baby movements at 25 weeks of pregnancy
Babies develop their own pattern of movement, and most women can feel these movements from around the end of the second trimester. You’ll become familiar with your baby’s pattern of movement every day.
This pattern is different for all babies but shouldn’t change. Some babies move more in the evening or in the morning. Some kick all the time while others might punch.
Find out more in Baby Kicking – 9 Important Facts You Need To Know.
The key thing is, if your pattern changes or you feel reduced movements, you need to contact your doctor for an assessment. There is some outdated information out there. You might hear, for example, that if you have a cold drink the baby will move, or that your baby’s movements slow down in the third trimester.
This information isn’t correct and is potentially dangerous.
Babies do sleep, however, and won’t move as much during this stage. If you’re not sure how long your baby has been quiet, or if you’re at all concerned about your baby’s movements, it’s always best to contact your healthcare provider.
How much does my baby weigh in kg?
This week, your baby probably weighs around 0.566 kg (1.2 pounds) and is about 34-37 cm (13-14 inches) long. Your baby is now about the size of a head of cauliflower.
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