Two Week Wait Diary – Kelly
At the time of writing this diary, I am 24 years old, almost 25 and live in Melbourne. I have a gorgeous daughter who will be 2 on April 12th, 2004!
I have breastfed Marisa since birth and we’re almost weaned – she just loves her boobies so I didn’t worry about stopping. I didn’t expect my body to be fertile yet, not just from breastfeeding but also I have not yet had a period due to breastfeeding Marisa this long. However this month, I knew something was stirring and decided to start charting temps. Unbelievably, I started just at the right time – a couple of days before ovulation was detected, so I was able to see that I was indeed ovulating.
I’m very fortunate – it appears that I am a very fertile person, despite surgeons telling my mother when I was young that I would have problems falling pregnant due to some complications in a previous surgery – but looks like I defied that! I do find it hard to talk about how lucky I have been, as I know it can be upsetting for those trying to conceive for some time.
So here starts my TWW. Fertility Friend pinpointed my ovulation on the 17th February, 2004 due to a combination of temps, OPK’s and other fertility signs. I thought I may as well go the whole hog as far as things were concerned – I wanted to be sure that I was ovulating or not given I didn’t have a regular cycle. Should I be pregnant, they calculate the EDD to be 7th November, 2004 or there about.
Monday, 16th February, 2004 – 1DPO
A temperature rise today!!! This is exciting, as the OPK I used two days ago was positive, so I am fairly sure I ovulated yesterday. Because I haven’t charted before, Fertility Friend wont detect ovulation until I have had three straight days of higher temperatures. So while I am quietly confident, I am worried that it’s been all just a great big fluke – I only started charting the other day when I noticed some fertile CM, which was JUST enough time to pick up a temperature rise now, which may be ovulation. It’s bizarre, I thought I would not get this excited and impatient, I guess for me it’s more just wanting to know what is going on in my body. Am I ovulating or not?! I have been making sure I have BD’d at the right time just for measure, who’s complaining with that? Not John I know that! One thing I have also noticed is that the more I get into this charting thing, the more I am less worried or embarrassed by gorey TTC information, so look out girls!!!
Tuesday, 17th February, 2004 – 2DPO
Another temp rise but today I am more sceptical. It’s really high! I do have a cold though, so I am worried about it interfering with my temping, but the Fertility Friend experts assure me that all looks good. If I have another high temp tomorrow it will certainly confirm ovulation. So not sure how much of a dip in temperature I will have tomorrow – surely it wont go up from here! Still feel really paranoid about ovulating or not – gees this is really getting frustrating. I have been checking my temps during the day too, to see how it fluctuates but all seems to be doing the right thing. The Melbourne weather has been majorly up and down this week, my temps are also fluctuating with it. I can’t believe I am potentially 2DPO and I am going nuts already!!! It’s all true what they say!!!
Wednesday, 18th February, 2004 – 3DPO
YAY!!! I have confirmed ovulation and a coverline to show what my temps need to be ideally staying above. I did have a medium dip which set me into panic but I took a deep breath and realised my cold is feeling a great deal better. So maybe my temps are regulating from the high one yesterday. Still well above where the temps should be. I don’t feel anywhere near as paranoid or impatient as the last few days, I feel a sense of achievement that I am ovulating, so anything from here is a bonus. I’m really enjoying charting, it gives me such great insight into my own, unique body and I feel like I can understand the signals it is giving me. Very empowering. If my temps stay up, I will be testing at the end of next week – I can already tell I will test a little earlier than 14DPO! But don’t tell anyone!!! LOL…
Thursday, 19th February, 2004 – 4DPO
My temp now seems to have leveled out. Having never charted before, it’s so nerve racking knowing if this is what my body normally does or not. The days keep jumping from really hot to really cold, so I think this really is making my temps so erratic. So then I worry that it’s not my body giving high temps LOL what have I turned into! Hopefully I will see a jump or something tomorrow, if I get another dip I think I will be upset. Ho hum.
Friday, 20th February, 2004 – 5DPO
Oh my goodness, it is so hot today, hottest for this summer. My temp is exactly the same as yesterday and I have been soooo moody today! I don’t know what was wrong with me today but I was ropable. Poor John and Marisa putting up with a grumpy mum. I guess we all have our days but I think because I was so grumpy, I didn’t stress so much about TTC. Marisa has been really feral with the heat too, she wants to go out in the sun all the time, which made me think how on earth I would cope with two. I asked myself if I was doing the right thing, just before pouring an ice cold drink and without realising it, logging into Fertility Friend LOL!!!! Just one of those days.
Saturday, 21st February, 2004 – 6DPO
Temp is up a little! Hooray! What a good start to the day. Marisa is happier because she can go outside again and she gets to go off to GymbaROO. I am feeling okay today, I am not going to be one to analyse how I feel symptom wise as it would be impossible. I always get headaches anyway (from a car accident/whiplash injury some years ago – neck and back always plays up), I also often get nausea from something as little as not eating or drinking/eating acidic foods and I am always tried LOL! Sound like a sad case but I guess it’s a good thing in that if I get any symptoms, I wont get my hopes up too early – I will know it could just be my body. I am going to just wait for that BFP next week!
Sunday, 22nd February, 2004 – 7DPO
Halfway already – see it’s not that bad (cough, cough!!). I am sooooo over this weather. We apparently had one of the hottest days this summer yesterday and today it’s freezing cold! I find it really hard to understand my chart when it seems to be so influenced by the weather which is all over the place. I am still way above my coverline (the temperature I need to keep above) but I am mentally preparing myself for a negative result.
Having said that, the last two nights I have had bad reflux which I never usually have (except when I was pregnant last time and when I was on a big dose of anti-inflammatories!) and I have had a funny nausea type of feeling in my stomach, as well as being a bit gassy – and I usually have a go at hubby for burping! I had one episode of this nausea last night when I ate dinner, and I got this really quick feeling of wanting to throw it all back up, from the bottom of my stomach. It did go away pretty quickly though. I also still have dull crampy type feelings which also feel a bit like bloating even though it’s not in my stomach – it’s a weird feeling – just like you would get normal period cramps – but they don’t feel like period cramps. Maybe they do but I have forgotten what they are like LOL!!! It’s been a very long time! I may not even get a period based on history – as I mentioned earlier I haven’t really been getting one since Marisa’s birth. Anyway, not long to go now…
I will probably test this week on Wednesday or Thursday – would have waited longer but funnily enough one of the major pharmaceutical companies has launched a new product and sent me a lovely package – their press release filled with lots of cute teeny tiny baby things! They are launching a pregnancy kit – which contains both OPK’s and HPT’s as well as a chart, so you can buy them altogether. It’s a more expensive brands but also one of the more highly sensitive brands, which can detect very low levels of hCG up to three days before your period would be due. How ironic was that – I will just have to try it out then wont I?!!!
Monday, 23rd February, 2004 – 8DPO
Today has been a really long day. I know I am so close to be able to test but too early to show a result. I will have to try and distract myself and think of other things, but it’s really hard to do when you run a pregnancy / baby website! My temps are still up and things are looking good, so I will think positive and see how we go. Hopefully I will have the strength not to test before 12DPO but I know I probably wont be able to hold out!
Tuesday, 23rd February, 2004 – 9DPO
Okay I cheated – I did a test today. I got a really faint positive, but I know this was way too early to test. I felt really excited to see it but I am keeping my hopes as level as possible, as I know if it doesn’t establish as a pregnancy, it will be very disappointing. I called my GP to make an appointment on Thursday so he can test in there – I have no idea where I am in my cycle if I am not pregnant so I will talk to him about what could be going on and hopefully get some tests anyway to see what my hormones are doing. If pregnant I will need a referral to my Ob anyway – he’s booked out for anything over 8 weeks of pregnancy.
Wednesday, 23rd February, 2004 – 10DPO
Tested again, another faint positive! Looking forward to my GP appointment tomorrow now but I hope the hCG level will be strong enough to show up on the test! I feel much more relaxed now, I feel like I have a huge pressure of my shoulders for some reason – I guess the work doing my chart was well worth it!
Thursday, 23rd February, 2004 – 11DPO
Today I had my GP appointment to confirm my pregnancy and grab a referral, although I was very nervous as I know they can use standard tests – all my results had been with early pregnancy tests with first morning urine. I couldn’t hold it in this morning so I hoped I had enough hormone to show up on the doctors test! Luckily I did and I now feel mentally pregnant! I will probably still test over the next few days incase something bad happens, like the line disappears or something else I can imagine up, just so I can be sure. But today I feel so much better – very confident. My due date is November 7th.
Friday, 23rd February, 2004 – 12DPO
I tested again today – yep – two lines still there. I think I can safely say I am pregnant and will try not to test again!!! Here’s to a healthy pregnancy!
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