So you’ve decided to trade the birth control for diapers.
You’re ready to take the next step and dive into parenthood.
Or maybe you’re already a parent and want to conceive your next baby.
For some, this is a straightforward process, but many want to do everything they can to make it happen right away.
Are you looking for tips on how to get pregnant fast?
Read on for some ideas and research that can help.
How to get pregnant fast
A normal healthy couple has a 25-30% chance of getting pregnant in each cycle they try to conceive.
It’s important not to get your hopes up too high in the first cycle; statistics are against getting pregnant quite so quickly.
You’ll probably hear about friends who got pregnant in their first cycle, or without even trying.
Just remember that that’s unusual. Not getting pregnant in the first cycle doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you.
However, there are ways to increase your chances.
How to get pregnant fast after your period
Something interesting to note is that day 1 of your last period is considered to be day 1 of your pregnancy, if you get pregnant that cycle.
Installing a period tracker app on your phone can help you to remember when you start your period.
It can also give you an idea of the days you might be fertile.
Your chances of getting pregnant while you actually have your period are low, but it is possible.
Many women think it’s impossible to get pregnant while you have your period, but that’s a myth.
Fertility expert Andrew Orr says there’s a ‘1-6% chance’ of getting pregnant while you’re having your period.
The chance is small, and; it depends on when you ovulate.
Here’s how it can happen:
- The myth is based on the idea that every woman has a 28-day cycle and ovulates on day 14
- This study recently showed that only 12.4% of women actually have a 28-day cycle
- Sperm can live inside the uterus for up to 5 days
- This means that if you have a shorter cycle and a longer period, having sex during your period can lead to pregnancy.
So if you’re trying to get pregnant, don’t count those period days out!
How to get pregnant fast, naturally
Generally, you can assume you don’t have fertility problems, but we’ll address that later in the article.
If all seems well, here are some things you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant fast, naturally:
- Have sex every day
- Make sure the woman orgasms
- Learn when you ovulate
- Make sure you’re eating a healthy diet
- Get plenty of sleep
- Keep stress to a minimum
- Don’t smoke, drink alcohol, or take recreational drugs
- Get acupuncture
- Take herbs and vitamins regularly
Let’s address a few of those points.
Fertility expert Andrew Orr says that daily sex is a better way to get pregnant than ‘storing’ sperm for a few days.
“Storing sperm, or long intervals without ejaculation, does not make sperm better. It actually makes it worse. You need regular ejaculation to have good quality sperm”.
Once you know you’re in your fertility window, you can start having that daily sex!
But how do you know when you’re in your fertility window?
Learning when you ovulate is a valuable tool when you’re trying to conceive a baby.
Here are some good ways of learning when you ovulate:
- Use fertility sticks
- Take your basal body temperature
- Learn to assess your discharge
- Learn your ovulation signs (pinching or cramping)
- Look for spotting
Not every woman will experience all of these signs, but if you take time to get to know your body, it will increase your chances of having sex around the time of ovulation.
When you know what your fertility window is, start having sex every day!
How to get pregnant fast and easy
We’ve covered the basics: how often to have sex, and when. But what about the things you can do to boost your chances?
Although a woman’s orgasm isn’t essential to achieve pregnancy, there are various theories that suggest it can help.
It certainly can’t hurt to try!
In terms of what positions to have sex in, there are no studies that show some positions are better than others.
However, here are some anecdotal suggestions about positions you might like to try.
What about other things you can do, apart from sex?
Dr. Orr recommends increasing sleep and reducing stress.
He says: “The number one cause of fertility issues is stress. Learn to take time out, let go of control issues and relax more”.
He also suggests being careful with sugar, carbs, and dairy:
“Those extra chocolate bars and sugary drinks are increasing your insulin, which suppresses your hormones”.
How to get pregnant fast
4 other things to try if you want to conceive a baby:
- Get more sleep
- Avoid smoking, alcohol, and recreational drugs
- Try acupuncture
- Take herbs and vitamins regularly.
Research has found that there’s a correlation between sleep quality and semen quality.
Don’t forget that conceiving a baby isn’t all down to the woman!
Research has found that:
“Sleep disturbances showed an inverse U-shaped association with sperm concentration, total sperm count, percent motile and percent morphologically normal spermatozoa, and testis size”.
If you want good quality sperm when you’re trying for a baby, make sure your partner is getting good quality sleep and plenty of it.
Most people realize that, during pregnancy, it’s a good idea to stay away from cigarettes, alcohol and recreational drugs.
Research also shows they are also associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, so it’s best to avoid them even while you’re trying to conceive.
Finally, Dr. Orr highly recommends acupuncture and herbs when trying to get pregnant.
“These things combined can give you a 96.1% success rate”, he says.
He stresses they also increase the success rate for those undergoing fertility treatments, such as IVF.
How to get pregnant fast after Depo
The Depo Provera shot is a type of birth control many women chose to take.
It’s typically used to prevent pregnancy but, in some cases, it can be used as a method of controlling or preventing periods or other undesirable hormonal problems.
Unfortunately, when Depo is used in this way, there might be unresolved fertility problems that aren’t discovered until the woman tries to conceive.
Dr. Orr says, “If the underlying cause isn’t dealt with, these women won’t fall pregnant, or will find it extremely hard”.
When coming off the Depo shot, it’s a good idea to see your doctor, to make sure there are no problems when you try to get pregnant.
In general, couples who aren’t pregnant after 12 cycles of trying should see their health care providers to look for any underlying health problems.